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                                                                      Jisung POV

As I arrived the cat coffee shop in Seoul, I looked around to search for Minho. But I didn't see him, so decided to go into the coffee. Maybe he's already in there. 

The moment I reached for the doorknob, someone held my wrist. I turned around to see a male person looking at me. The half of his face was covered with a black mask and on top of his head was a black cap, I could barely see his eyes. The male person was completely clothed in black. 

"Do I know you?", I asked and looked down at his hand still gripping on my wirst. The man suddenly came closer to me and took off his mask a few seconds. I looked at the face of Lee Minho. His brown eyes, his brown hair and his little mole on his nose. "Hey Sungie".

Once he put his mask and cap again on, he said: "Let's go in, shall we?" I nodded as an answer and he walked into the coffee, pulling me after. His hand still gripped on my wrist. 

We sat down on a table at the window a bit away from the middle, so people wouldn't directly recognise him. He was pretty popular in Seoul and enjoyed the attention, despite he wanted to go out in public in peace, like every other normal citizen. And I understood him. 

After we ordered, he suddenly took my hand and looked at me. "You look beautiful today", he said with a smile on his lips. I immediately blushed and my heart beat faster. "T-thank you, you too", I stuttered. Fuck, why did I stutter?

"Do you meet up with every fan you text with?", I asked him after a few seconds. Minho looked at me and shook his head. "I don't even text with my fans", he answered and smiled. I felt my cheeks getting more red and I looked down. Why is my heart beating so fast? 

"Oh, is Sungie blushing? Cute", he said. Did he just call me cute? I think I'm gonna melt. Why is he gotta be so flirty? My heart can't take this. 

Luckily, the waiter came in this moment and gave us our order. We thanked her and she left. I grabbed my drink and drank a bit from it. Minho did the same. 

Suddenly, a cat jumped on my lap and looked at me. I was shocked but when I realised it was just a cat, I smiled and stroked her. She purred relaxed and snuggled up to me. I looked at Minho and he smiled at me. "She seems to like you". I nodded and smiled back at him. 

"Do you like cats?", I asked him and looked at him. Minho nodded and smiled. "I love them. I'm the father of 3 cats and I love them more than anything", he said and I nodded. He's so cute. 

"Do you?", he asked me. "Yes, I do. They're really cute", I answered his question. In this moment, a brown cat jumped on Minho's lap and meowed. He stroked her and smiled. I loved this picture, Minho holding a cat, cuddling with her, the cat purring and enjoying Minho's presence. I never wanted to forgive this picture. 

That's why I pulled my phone out and took picture of it. Minho looked at me and stopped stroking the cat. "Did you just take a picture of me?", he asked. I nodded and then looked down. Maybe I should've asked him before taking it without permission. 

He just smiled at me and took out his phone. "You took a picture of me, so I can take one of you too", he said and hold his phone in my direction. I smiled and looked away. 

"But you're not gonna post it on Instagram, right?", I asked him and he looked back at me. "Not this one. But if you like to, we could make one I'll post, if you're fine with it". I nodded. "Sounds good". 

I move a little closer to him and he holds his phone in front of us. "Lay your head on my shoulder", he said and I do it. My cheeks were getting more red every second. 

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