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                                                                   Jisung POV

"Shit, I forgot to draw the curtains". That was the first thought, I woke up with after the sunlight hit my face. I burried my face into a pillow and groaned, hoping to fall asleep again. But it wouldn't work. 

So I took my phone and looked at the time. 10:21. Why didn't I draw the curtains? 

But since I was awake now anyway, I decided to check my messages. Oh, I got new messages from Minho. I felt immediately awake. 

                                                              Minho Hyung~

Sleep well Sungie ;) 


                                                                                                   Good morning :)

Good morning Sungie ;)

How'd you sleep?

                                                                                                             I slept well

                                                                                                What about you?

It's only been 3 hours, but it was fine ig 

                                                                                                           Why's that?

I had been working on a new song

And I couldn't sleep

                                                                                                                Oh okay

                                                                    Should I be formal with you?

No I'm completely fine with you being informal 

So don't worry :)

                                                                                                              Alright :)

How old are you, Sungie?

                                                                                                                   I'm 20

                                                                                           What about you?


Call me Hyung😼

                                                                                                     I already do 



Does Sungie have a girlfriend?

Instagram -MinsungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt