Chapter 1: The Strain of Waiting

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Aleyna suddenly felt the first pangs of nerves. How on earth had she ended up here?

She looked around her. Day had given way to night a little over an hour ago. Overhead, the moon in its fullness, shone brightly, the only light in that darkened courtyard, except for the two torches hanging in brackets either side of the doorway in front of her. She turned her back on the entrance way, trying to force her mind to think of anything else but what awaited her inside.

The precinct wasn't bustling, but there were enough people around to make Aleyna feel like they had an audience. That she was being watched. Being scrutinised for any sign of weakness. She glanced at the figures. They were all men, mostly from their own entourage who had ridden with them from Lyknisia.

Home. Would she ever see it again? She had no idea. But then why would she want to return? Surely that life, and all its hopes and dreams, were behind her now. At that moment, she could only think of Lyknisia in terms of things she had lost. Going home would be too painful.

Her wandering thoughts were suddenly brought back to the present with a jolt. Aleyna admonished herself for her indulgent self-pity which was so unlike her.

'Are you ready?' The man at her side, a stranger one month ago and now her almost husband, looked almost as nervous as she did. That was not comforting.

She searched for words to say, first clever words of dismissal. How could she, a professor from the Academika be nervous over some out-dated, probably primitive, superstitious rite? Yet the words never came. No words at all. This was something new for Aleyna. She was never lost for words.

'It will be all right, I'm sure. I wish...' His words trailed off. 'I know this must be hard for you, and I'm sorry for that. Initiations and awakenings are never easy, and under the circumstances...' Again, his words petered out into nothing.

'It is tradition, I understand that, Arner,' Aleyna finally said. At last she was able to say something that, although she hoped sounded respectful, reminded everyone who could hear that she was too smart to fall for any tricks the people of this sanctuary (she couldn't remember what they were called) would no doubt play on her this coming night. Yet even as the words were spoken, it did nothing to silence the gnawing in her stomach, nor quieten the questions whirling around her mind.

'Aleyna, please,' Arner whispered. 'This isn't some test to see if we can con an outlander. This is serious. Dangerous. And very real.'

Aleyna swallowed hard. He had spoken thus since they had started travelling north four weeks ago. The ride had been hard, and even as she stood there waiting for this–whatever it was–to begin, she was exhausted.

How many times had she told him she didn't believe in magic? How many times had she said there were no such things as ghosts?

'Not ghosts, Aleyna,' he had said. 'Spirits.'

'As if it makes a difference,' she had snorted.

'Trust me, it makes a difference. You'll see.'

Aleyna hadn't liked those last two words. They sounded more of threat than an explanation. To have a man as clearly clever and intelligent as Arner speak with such conviction... No, she reminded herself. Magic and spirits were not real.

And now, she was about to find out whether his surety was justified.

'Arner... I...'

'I know,' he sighed. 'You don't believe in any of this but...please be careful anyway.' He took up her hands in his own and squeezed them gently. The look on his face was serious and his eyes held an intensity that only served to make Aleyna more nervous, much to her annoyance.

I might not believe in any of this, but he, and everyone else here, obviously did.

When his gaze shifted to something over her shoulder, she watched as the man she was going to marry nodded almost imperceptibly, steeling himself for that night's proceedings. She stiffened in response. If this ceremony had the ability to make this warrior-king before her anxious...again, she didn't want to think about it.

'It's time,' Arner whispered to her. He leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead. It was the first time he had kissed her face since they had departed Lyknisia, and after which, he had only ever kissed her hand. It felt noteworthy as she was sure she detected a hint of affection in it.

And that reminded her of another man who had cared for her. Loved her. Eyvan. The man she had thought she would marry. And yet, this was the first time she had thought of him in weeks. How could that be? What would he make of all this? At one time, they would have laughed together at the talk of magic and spirit communication. But she was alone...

'Be brave, my lady,' Arner whispered in her ear. 'All will be well. I know it will.'

Nerves again twisted in her stomach. Instinctively she squeezed Arner's hands, hoping to absorb some of his strength. Immediately she wished she hadn't. How could she let him know all this was starting to get to her, to break through and undermine what she had thought to be an impenetrable barrier of logic and reason?

'Let's get this over with,' she muttered through a smile which she hoped conveyed that she was still a professor of sound mind, indulging this strange cultural custom perhaps as an act of learning, not a woman alone, fearful of what was to come.

* * * * *

[Word count: 916]

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So what do you think of Aleyna and Arner? What do you think is going to happen when Aleyna steps through the doorway? I would love to hear your thoughts...

Have a great day! 

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