Chapter 7: An Unexpected Twist in the Road

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Petor's brow creased. 'What? No, you're not in trouble.' Aleyna noticed he was going to say something else, but stopped. Instead, he picked up her hand. 'I don't know how to say this.'

'You're worrying, Petor. What has happened? And what has it got to do with the Mynythians? For that matter, what's it got to do with me?'

'It has everything to do with you, and everything to do with them.' In that moment, he found the words from somewhere. 'You said when you met the Mynythians something was mentioned about a prophecy, and they behaved rather superstitiously. Well, you were half right. A prophecy was mentioned, but they were not acting odd at all. They were bowing to the woman who...who...'

'Who, what? Petor?'

'Who is prophesied to be their queen.'

For a moment, Aleyna simply stared at Petor. Those words were completely unexpected. Then her confusion got the better of her, and she said, 'I don't understand.'

'Neither did I. I had to get Arner to explain. When he became king four years ago, a prophecy was given announcing the circumstances in which his queen would be found. She will be framed in gold and silver light, glowing brighter than the sun and moon.'

'But what has this to do with me?'

'They, that is rude of me as it implies I know better than they. They are saying you, Aleyna, are their queen. The prophecy describes how you appeared before them today.'

'There must be some mistake. I would have known if I were glowing.'

Petor ignored her. 'Apparently the sun's light was reflecting off the windows of the Academika, and the water from the fountain was catching the light, framing you. Gold and silver light.'

'I don't believe this. This is ridiculous.'

'Arner and his people are taking it very seriously, Aleyna. And therefore, so must I.'

'What does that mean?'

'To be honest, I don't know. I told him I can't tell you what to do. I also told him, that although you are not married, you have promised yourself to a man, who has promised himself to you.'

'And what did he say to that?'

'Aleyna, Arner is my friend. He's a good man. I know this has come as as hock to you. It has come as shock to everyone, including him, believe me. He came to Lyknisia with the intention of offering us aid, not causing us trouble, and certainly not to hurt you, a stranger to him and his people. He is as perplexed as I am at how this has gone.'

'You didn't answer my question.'

Petor was finding this difficult. He looked away as if fortifying himself to speak the next words. 'Arner said a prophecy is a prophecy. He has no control over them. And he can't ignore them. His whole party saw it, and reacted to it. Wheels have been set in motion which he hasn't the power to stop.'

Petor gently let go of her hand and stood up to pour them each a glass of wine, which he thrust into Aleyna's empty hand. 'Drink, my dear. You need it.'

Aleyna downed the contents. Holding out her now empty glass to the king, she said. 'Another.' He poured. This time she sipped the wine.

'He asked what I thought you would do.' At this, Petor had laughed. 'I laughed then too, you know. "You clearly do not know Aleyna Rienenska", I said. Your decision was anyone's guess, that you are wilful and headstrong, and have always gone your own way. But I repeated that I won't make you do anything. Not as your kin, and not as your king.

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