Chapter 4: Encounters, Both Common and Unusual

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Promise made, Eyvan left. Alone, Aleyna spent a little time tidying up her classroom and checking all her specimens were back in the correct display cases. However, the outdoors called to her. The sun was still shining bright and streaming through the windows, even though the afternoon was moving on.

So, she decided to seek out her friend, Leena, and see if she wished to go to the theatre or a concert that evening. Leena was the king's daughter, and the same age as Aleyna, though you might not think it from looking at her. She looked younger than Aleyna, and on occasion, acted younger than Aleyna, but she was kind and compassionate and had a good heart. And a penchant for gossip.

Snatching up her shawl, for the air would no doubt cool towards evening, Aleyna retrieved a giant key from a chain around her neck and locked the door to her classroom. She navigated the labyrinthine halls and corridors of the ancient Academika with ease, and soon found herself outside, crossing the courtyard which held the college bell.

'Afternoon, professor!' students called as they passed, hurrying about the place. And she returned their greeting, her heart feeling light because she was lucky that she loved everything about her life. She knew many others, even here on the island, were not as fortunate.

Once across the courtyard, she exited the walled enclosure by taking the north gate, which brought her out in what only could be described as the beautiful centre of the college. To her left, the renowned facade of the building faced the main gate, which was standing wide open to the whole of Lyknisia. Three quarters of the space between the two points (which was in fact, a great distance), was covered with neatly clipped grass and bisected by a flagstone path. The final quarter, located next to the gatehouse, was paved and divided up into six, fairly steep levels, accessed by narrow stone steps at each end. On the uppermost tier, on the same level as the lawns, was a fountain, nicknamed the Fountain of Knowledge by students and staff alike.

It was just as Aleyna had reached the central path that a shrill voice called out her name. She turned towards the imposing building, to find a thin, wiry woman, with almost white hair flowing behind her, in great contrast to her black robes, marching in her direction.

'You've been passed up for assistant head of subject. Again,' the woman said in greeting. She didn't sound happy.

'I didn't want the position, Zalana. You knew that. That's why I didn't put my name forward for it.' Aleyna tried not to sound exasperated with her boss, but this was not the first time they had exchanged words on this topic.

Zalana put her hands on her hips and scowled at the younger woman. 'I don't care what you want, my dear. I care what's best for this institution. And that is you as assistant head of geography, then head of geography, and then head of faculty.'

'I'm happy teaching in my classroom.'

'You're letting your students down by acting so childish. So selfish. You're wasting your potential.'


'And you're letting down Eyvan Valetenko too. He's gone for ahead-of-ward position twice these three months passed, and applied for research funding, and he's not got any of them.'

Aleyna pursed her lips, and stood there shame-faced. Eyvan hadn't told her.

'All you two have to do is wed. That's it. Then the elders who make the decisions around here will give you both everything. Traditionalists,' Zalana hissed, almost spitting the word and wielding it as an insult.

'I don't see how me becoming a wife makes me a better professor,' Aleyna said defensively.

'Neither do I. But that's the way of things. Marry your sweetheart and everyone's life will be the easier for it.' She had accompanied the last sentence with a finger-wagging. 'I don't understand the difficulty. You love him. He loves you. And the whole of Lyknisia knows it. Marry him.' With the final words uttered, she turned on her heels and walked back the way she had come, a vision of simmering anger. A vision of a woman who expected to be obeyed.

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