Chapter 7 - Months of Storm PART 2

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Chapter 7 - Months of Storm PART 2

The ark sailed underwater until it reached the shipyards built into the sides of a cave entrance, upon approaching the Despotek sent the order to the ark, the ark released the twenty Necron warriors and the Despotek, and they stepped on the bottom of the sea and walked towards the beach.

When leaving the water and stepping on the sand, Despotek ordered his units to hide behind the rocks on the beach, close to the shipyard, then Despotek sent an order to the ark. The ark advanced towards the shipyards, sailing in front of the buildings.

Then the ark aimed its ranks of Gauss Flayers at the dockyard and fired.

At first nothing seemed happen until the ships began to sink.

"Wot iz happening?" Mekboy commanding shipyard operations shouted.

Looking out to sea, Mekboy saw a green light glowing in the water

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Looking out to sea, Mekboy saw a green light glowing in the water.

"It's 'da tin men! Shoot 'da light!" Mekboy shouted as he ordered the other orks from the shipyard, the orks ran along the walkways and platforms with their weapons in hand, and then opened fire towards the light.

Upon seeing this, the Despotek ordered the ark to circle in front of the shipyard while firing its guns at different targets, Gauss rounds hit the ships in their submerged sections, allowing water to rush in, and other shots hit cranes, knocking them on top of orks and ships, some hit the beams that supported the walkways, platforms and docks of the shipyard, knocking them down.

The Despotek ordered his troops to advance towards the distracted orks, slowly the warriors advanced; hiding behind the rocks near the shipyards, when they got close enough the Despotek gave the order.


The warriors came out of their cover and shot the distracted orks, it took some orks to be turned into ashes, for the orks to realize what was happening.

"Tin man, yer will teef for sink'n 'da ships!" Mekboy screamed as he aimed his Kustom Mega Slugga at Despotek, the weapon releasing blasts of energy.

The Despotek took cover behind a boulder, the energy shots scorching holes in the boulder.

"The only one who will pay is you, for defying my lord." The Despotek responded by stepping out of cover and firing his Gauss Blaster.

The Mekboy ran across the shipyard, Gauss's fire disintegrating parts of the shipyard close behind, until the Mekboy took cover behind a large metal box.

"Advance." The Despotek commanded.

The warriors advanced through the shipyard while exchanging fire with the orks, the orks took cover behind machines and boxes scattered around the shipyard, but that didn't help to protect them against Gauss's shots.

An ork was hit in the chest, he was covered in a green light, and what was left was a pair of legs that fell to the ground, another ork came running across the yard, with a choppa raised he managed to cut off the arm of a necron warrior and then his head, the warrior was teleported back to the tomb.

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