twenty-two:﹙silent prayers﹚

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silent prayers

CHAPTER       TWENTY-TWO!silent prayers

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"contains; wounds...-,"
—proceed with caution

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Rushing into his apartment, and slamming the door open; Elektra followed in pursuit while Matt held Y/n in his hands she was bleeding all over his bare hands. There were unformed words in her head, from an older man. 

Elektra went over to the kitchen to grab whatever Matt told her to grab. Y/n looked down at her wound with a groan throwing her head back in pain, That allowed Matt to squeeze her hand tighter for comfort. 

"Tell me what's going on stick!?" Matt had panic laced in his voice. 

Nothing but pain and flames flowed through her body, "Do you wanna talk or save your girlfriend," Stick instructed him, Matt didn't hesitate standing up from beside's Y/n and kissing the top of her head. 

Y/n felt her breath going in and out, not knowing what was happening panic flowed through her body. "her heart is skipping," Matt said quickly, guiding himself to the other blind man trying to help him. 

"Whiskey" Stick demanded. 

Elektra handed Matt the whiskey before Matt stopped her quickly speaking not wasting a second. "Leave, go home for the night" He demanded the woman, not wanting Y/n in any more stress than the pain she was in now. 

Matt had frozen in place, the thought now hitting him that he was losing Y/n. As she sobbed and strained on the couch, "The toxins in her bloodstream are shutting everything down," He handed the bottle over to him. 

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