The Starting.

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Leafy woke up to people yelling and shouting at each other. Ugh. It was 4AM. Why are they even awake at this time of day. Leafy had things to do especially since she was on two teams. She rolled to her left to get off the bed and check out the situation. Of course it was Balloony and Cloudy. Shouldn't they be in the bed? Fucking each other to sleep? It didn't matter. What were they arguing about now? She walked down the hallway to the gate thing and looked down to see if they were fighting. Unfortunately, they wasn't fighting each other. It did look like they fucked though. Seeing Cloudy wet and drippy told her that they did. But Balloony wasn't wet. He was sweating though. She looked to the doorway and saw David and Roboty sleeping peacefully together. How did they sleep through this? If Leafy couldn't sleep with her door closed and away from the living room, how could they? She looked down the hallway to see the other members room. Do Rocky, Nickel, and Woody go through this everyday? She was thinking and looking around her surroundings. She ran to her room making footsteps notifying to Balloony and Cloudy that someone was awake. She looked through her bed, under it, and on the sides of it for something. She opened her dresser and found what she was looking for, her phone. It was dying and she found her charger not to far from the dresser. It was soon to be 5. "Ugh, I can't deal with their bullshit. They need a break from each other honestly, because I can't keep trying to keep them together anymore." Leafy groaned. Cloudy and Balloony were right there in the doorway. "You? Trying to keep us together? Please. Everything you do and say takes a turn. So you should be the last one talking about keeping someone together." Balloony snickered.

Why did they follow her upstairs? She knew that they heard her, but why did they decide to follow her? "What woke you guys up?" Leafy asked sitting on her bed waving her hand to tell them that they could come inside. "Cloudy woke me up." Balloony growled. "He zlapped me!" Cloudy yelled. Balloony slapped him again. "Can you be any more louder? Oh wait, You can." Balloony said rolling his eyes. Leafy grabbed Cloudy and wiped him down with a cloth. She got sick of him dripping whatever the hell things he had. "I honestly didn't think that you of all people would care about me and Cloudy's relationship." Balloony said remembering all the times she stopped them from trying to make out with each other.

Alright everyone! Me, Balloony, and Cloudy have been selected for a challenge.

Fun isn't it you two?

(Balloony and Cloudy almost kissed each other but was stopped by leafy throwing a rock at them to prevent it from happening.)

Whad waz dhat vor? (What was that for?)

No smoochy kisses.


Cause I can't be the only girl in the team who was to watch men make out and fuck each other!

That seems like a you-problem you need to struggle with honestly.

Yeah nod hidding uz width roxs! (Yeah not hitting us with rocks!)

Whatever, you better act you two are best friends which each other before this challenge starts.

Balloony shook his head from the memories of them. What even happened with them? He decided to think about what happened instead of asking. He could only remember a few details.

Hey gays!

You mean guys?

No, you're gay, right?

I guess...

Cloudy's sleeping right now.

I don't care.

He's cute when he's asleep.

I'll say, look at him snore and shit.

Shut your ass up! You're mad because Firey hates you.

Hey! Balloony that's not nice!

Nothing is nice to you.

Actually, I figured out the solution. I'll kill you both! Then everyone-

"Pallooeny?" Cloudy shook him. "Eugh, what do you want?" Balloony gagged. "You were daydreaming. He shook you cause he's closer." Leafy sighed. "Anyways, Me and this maggot have business to do." Balloony said grabbing Cloudy aggressively. "Ow!" Yikes. Leafy did not like that. Seemed painful. As they left the room she saw Woody, Rocky, and Nickel watching everything happen in that room. She knew that once they went downstairs it wouldn't end well.

Leafy and the kids walked down the stairs and just heard repeated yelling and cursing. Woody stumbled down the stairs knocking Nickel and Rocky down on impact. They made a loud thud with Nickel having his crack get a bit bigger, Rocky not cross-eyed anymore and Woody...
was just face flat and had muffled screaming. That made Roboty power on and David wake up from Roboty's noises. "Aw, Serio-" Balloony slapped him before he can say something else. "Why would you do that?" Leafy asked. "His voice annoyed me." Balloony said. "Dhat'z nod niz..." Cloudy said. "Shut your mouth." "How apout, no." "Your such a brat." "Ad leazt I don'd grab cloudz by da head and drag dem everywhere." "At least i'm not a big bottom!" "Ad leazt I throw people on bedz and fug them!" "You like it though.~" "Fug ov."

The arguing continued and continued until they both yelled fine at each other.

"I'm daking Ni- My goin zon."

"And I'll take Rocky."

They both looked at Woody and he did not like that one bit. He felt like he had to do something or he was in trouble.

"I'll take Woody!"

They both looked at Leafy like she a stank look.


"I don't know..."

"I want you to stay together..."

Woody felt tears forming in his eyes. He looked at the door and dashed straight to it.


And that's where this all started at.

The house.

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