Chapter 3: Open City (Part 1)

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Chapter 3: Open City

Chloe churned awake. Her slow rise quickly turned to a sudden snap as the foreign room came into vision. A mattress that barely counted as comfortable and an ambience that proved dreary at best. The room was full of brown. The only speck of colour from the white flowers hanging in the vase by the window.

The events that led her to the current moment ebbed back into her mind causing her to shake. The sudden lurch of the carriage she had been riding. The screams outside and the face that reached towards her as the door was thrown open. Then it was darkness and when she opened her eyes, the white mask with black holes for eyes cracked on its left side.

The door to the room opened and a man walked inside carrying a plate of food. It was easy to identify him as though he wore a different mask, it was still a mask. His current mask felt far simpler and casual, being made from wood that curved naturally to his face.

"Good you're awake," Mask placed the plate of food on the nearby table and gestured for her to join him. "You need to eat."

It was only then that Chloe felt the deep desire of food that rumbled her stomach. She awkwardly removed herself from the warm blankets and climbed on top the chair to sit. Her body didn't quite make it to a comfortable height to eat. Mask casually passed her a cushion which she accepted embarrassed at the situation.

"It's the local stew," Mask also began to eat. "Though it may not suit your tastes."

Chloe took her spoon and looked at the creamy white liquid filled with vegetables and other unknown ingredients. Her mind flicked to poison but seeing Masks demeanour she knew that was impossible. Besides, her hunger had already taken over and taking her fork and a knife began to cut her bread, before dipping it into the soup piece by piece.

Mask watched her curiously as the small girl elegantly began to eat, "No need to be polite. You should eat quicker, food here gets cold rather fast."

"But...," Chloe hesitated, the manners that had been ingrained into her psyche were firm.

"Your upbringing also shows. The people who were transporting you are still around. I can hide you, but those manners will stick out. Do you think you can do it?"

"I can!" she nodded and instead of using her fork, took the bread in hand, scooping the stew into it. As she ate she couldn't help smile bitterly. Had she ate like this at home, her food would have been taken away. The thought of those who kidnapped her however was much stronger than some table manners.

"Is something wrong?" Mask asked as he watched her expression change. "It doesn't compare to food a noble would eat but the taste is still better than most you would find here."

"No it's good," Chloe spoke the truth as she shook her head. Though she couldn't point at why, the flavour of the stew stuck with her, filling her mouth with joy. After a few mouthfuls however she stopped and pushed the bowl away.

Mask stared at her, again concerned. She hadn't even finished half the meal, and it was already portioned for a child.

"I-I'm done," Chloe replied. She could feel Mask's eyes digging into her from beneath his mask.

"That won't do," Mask said simply. "These parts aren't like the Central region. Even simply living here will sap you of strength. Strength comes from having a good meal. You're basically skin and bones as it is and more importantly, if you want to help me properly, you'll need your strength."

"Then I can eat it all?" Chloe asked with wide hesitant eyes.

"What kind of question is that? Of course you can and if you're still hungry we can get more."

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