Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 1)

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Chapter 14: Pressure

"You want me to do what?" the women could barely understand what had come out of her employer's mouth. "People could die."

The man behind the desk smirked, "That's the point my dear Katlia." He placed his elbows on the desk, leaning forward. "There is a natural order to things. We need the people in the lower districts to stay the way they are."

Katlia began to sweat, "Is it really that bad for the people in the other districts to have a decent meal? And to ask me to poison it..., the Guild would never let me close."

"Shhh, you're overthinking this," the man stood up. "I'm not asking you to poison the Ice Wurm, I'm telling you to poison the people it was distributed to. Easier isn't it?"


"Enough!" the man slammed the table. "When the City Lord died you adventurers were left without anyone. I employed you to do work, not to ask questions. Or would you rather go back to the lower districts? I heard you and your husband are doing quite well, your daughter however gets ill easily does she not? The lower districts have been rather cold this winter."

Katlia stood still, her heart wavering.

"Of course," the man approached her, brushing back her hair. "You could always serve me other ways."

"I'll get the job done," Katlia's eyes grew fierce from his words and touch. The urge to slap the man's grubby hands away peaked, but she knew for her family's sake she had to endure.

"Good," the man backed away. "Prove your worth here and I'll make sure your life in the Upper District will remain comfortable."

"Yes Sir Kafka," she bowed and left the room, not stopping at all until she had exited the mansion estate. Outside however her feet slowed to a halt. The looming wall of the Upper district stood beside her. Though the blizzard and cold affected the other side, where she was, the temperature had barely dropped. Slowly she made her way home, deep in thought.

Katlia could remember the day she had signed on to be an Adventurer. 15 years old and full of hope. She trained herself with the others and worked hard to improve. When she broke through to the Advanced level it felt like an entire world had opened up for her. The smiles from back then haunted her mind. The years passed and as her progress slowed, instead she found love. Her desire to become stronger faded for a gentler life. Then the previous City Lord passed away and the city quickly turned. The walls began to fall apart and the winter that came tore through the city. She could remember her daughter on death's edge. Their house, cold, but her body burning with fever. The only reason she lived was due to flame Katlia managed to produce from magic. When the City Lord offered her a position in the Upper District, how could she say no? She would never regret her decision, but now....

"Katie?" the voice caused Katlia to look up. A gentle voice and a caring expression. The man, small in stature but with an overflowing heart reached towards her face. "Katie is something wrong?"

Katlia took his hand and held it to her cheek. She let the tender care of his touch flow into her. She had been so lost in her thoughts, that she had barely registered reaching home. After a long pause she replied, "It's okay. I'm okay"

Her husband smiled, "I believe you. Chrissy is asleep but there's some warm soup on the table."

"Thank you," she let go of his hand. "Honey..., if we had to leave the Upper District...."

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