Chapter 4: Adventure (Part 1)

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Chapter 4: Adventure

It had been Mask's intention to continue his conversation with Chloe back at the inn. The small girl however had become very tired upon their arrival and although it was only the late afternoon, she fell into a peaceful slumber. Currently she was laid down in her own bed that even had a small partition for privacy, curtesy of their new and larger room at the inn. Mask couldn't blame her. Not only had she moved around a lot during the day but it was a lot to take in. A new city, new life and people who were out to get her.

He stood looking out the window to the street below and the already setting sun. The daylight was vanishing and over the next few weeks would become less and less. With a wave of his hand a shimmer of light swam around him as the noise of the world receded. He took a magic tool from his pocket and pressed a shining stone into the empty slot. The device flickered to life and with light taps he configured his call.

"Well colour me surprised, calling me again so soon Mask? Don't you know these things cost a fortune to run?" the Handler's voice scratched at his ears.

"Handler, how do you look after children? I've taken care of teenagers before, but not someone so young."

Masks' question clearly caused the Handler to choke, evident from the sound on the other end. She cleared her throat, "What?"

"The girl... Chloe. I can't get a clear reading on her. For one she shows an intelligence far greater than her age would suggest."

"8 year olds these days are surprisingly smart," the Handler noted. "Are you sure you're not just expecting less because she's small?"

"It's not that. She has a curious mind and speaks well. It's also as if she never truly stepped into the world. How can a child have such bright hopeful eyes one moment but then shudder as if the world itself will turn against her?"

"Her life must have been complicated...."

"So what did you find out?" Though Chloe had asked them not to, there was a reason why Mask had sealed away his call this time.

The Handler sighed, "Nothing. No one is looking for her. I exhausted my contacts in the Central Region. No noble families large or small are making a move for a missing child like her. Of course there are always kidnappings but nothing that fits her situation even if we include notable families and not just nobles. Are you sure she's from the Central Region?"

"I'm sure she was raised in the Central Empire. Her mannerisms and etiquette are straight from the Empire's nobility and more so, I'm willing to bet from the inner circle of nobles."

"Then that's a problem Arten. No one is searching for her."

"What about other organisations?"

"That's harder," she sighed again. "The Church is always making a fuss, the adventurers guild is the same. It would take me much longer to sift through the dark guilds as well. Point is Mask, don't make any permanent decisions just yet. There's all the possibility that the girl has nothing to offer you."

Mask remained silent.

The Handler knew what that mean, "You didn't...."

"The contract has been signed."

"You idiot!" she yelled causing Mask to wince at the noise. "A contract? You could have just shook on it or made it verbal but actually signing a contract? Are you crazy?"

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