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Connor POV

Now that Troyes tour is over and my fashion line is about to launch everything is perfect.

Today is the day. that I asked troye to marry me. Caspar helped me pick out the ring for him. It isn't TOO flash nor' TOO boring. Its silver and has stars into it, with one larger star with tiny diamonds around it. Inside are the the words "look how they shine for you" It was in the picnic basket. We were in Aus, visiting Troyes family. Shaun knew that I was going to ask Troye to marry me.

"CONNOR!!!" Troye yelled from his families Jeep. "What on earth is taking you so long?"

"Coming COMING!" I say hurriedly as I throw the bottle of wine in the basket.

He sits there smiling, how did I get to be so lucky? He is the perfect combination of adorable and hot.

We sat there on the beach enjoying our picnic and then we lay down on the blanket I brought. I sit up and pull the ring out my back pocket.

"Troye, i didn't know I could love someone the way I love you. I didn't know Id be able to share my life with someone Like i do with you. I didn't know that these feelings existed. I do now. So troye sivan mellet will you marry me?'

Troye pov

Connor sat up and started talking about love. He was so sweet. I thought to myself "will you marry me?" I was speechless. I nod my head. I start to cry. tears of joy of course.I put the ring on and just look at my future husband. my beautiful, smart, kind, creative future husband. Oh what a lucky boy I am.

Its the day before we fly back to LA and start planning the wedding. I can't wait to be Troye Sivan Franta. I can't wait to raise our children, and slow dance at our wedding and whisper sweet nothings to him. I can't wait to celebrate our 50th year together.

Take me away//TronnorWhere stories live. Discover now