The Cat

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     "Oh, shoot! I'm gonna be late," I mutter, speeding up to a full sprint. My boss is gonna kill me! Casey needed math tutoring, my little sister had a bake sale, an old lady needed help with her groceries, and the next thing I know, it's already 4:30.

     This is the third time this week I've been late to work. If I'm late again, I'll definitely be fired!

     'Okay... only a few more blocks to go...' I think to myself, starting to hope that I might make it.

     Then, I hear a tiny mewling sound. I skid to a stop, and start jogging back to see a small black cat lying in the middle of the road. It's probably a stray; its fur looks rough and matted and I don't see a coller.

     The next thing I notice is the small pool of blood it is lying in. It must have been hit by a car.

     If it gets hit again, it won't survive. I think it knows that. It hopes, though, and calls out for help to come.

     I answer its call. The next thing I know, I'm already in he middle of the road, crouching down to pick it up. I scan its body, surveying the damage. It looks like one of its legs are broken, and there is a long gash in its side. I scoop my hands under it, and try to be gentle as I can, but the tiny creature still meows in protest when I pick it up. I bundle it up in my arms, trying to avoid touching its wounds, and start moving as fast as I can to the nearest animal hospital.

     I attempt to calm dowm the terrified stray and try not to jostle it while striding down the path. I'm so preoccupied that I forget to get off the road.

     I ignore the signs.

     I don't notice the car behind me until it hits.

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