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     I'm falling. The world passes me by and I am helpless to stop it. All my memories, everything I know, are ripped out. They scatter, dancing away when I try to catch them.
     ' No,' I think desperately, 'I can't forget my mom. I can't leave her alone.' I try as hard as I can to not forget; I put my entire being into fighting it.
     Then, I can't remember why I need to fight.
     After that, I can't remember my mom's face.
     Next, I don't know my own name.
     I'm helpless. I'm crumbling like a house with no foundation, because I have no foundation. All the things that held me up, made me keep fighting, and made me who I am are gone. They were blacked out by the darkness. All I can do is wrap myself in the darkness,  in the endless abyss.

Okay… this is my first ever published story. Please, please, please, please, PLEASE comment! I would like some constructive criticism on my work!
Also, I can't decide whether to make one more short part, then end it, or to continue the story and make it into an actual book. PLEASE comment and tell me if you want more!!!
BTW: Sorry for the super short chapters. I guess it sorta built suspense, and I was too lazy to keep writing. If I leave it as is, I'll add one more short chapter, then end it. If I keep going, I'll try to write longer chapters. No promises, though!


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