Dracos Love

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At Hogwarts you are known and loved everywhere. You are naturally beautiful, smart without having to learn much, and open, helpful and always friendly. In the beginning you were afraid of getting hurt and you pretended, but through your best friend Luna Lovegood you came out of your shell and realised that everyone likes you just the way you are. You have excellent grades and play Quidditch on your home team, Ravenclaw. Your friend, to the surprise of ALL Slytherins, is Ice Prince DRACO MALFOY. It was only you who gained his trust and got him to come out of his shell and show his sensitive side, and in the meantime you have got him to the point that the others also recognise his soft core behind the rough shell.

One day you were walking by the lake with your nose in a book, and you didn't notice that you bumped into someone. You keel over, and when you get up, you realize you've bumped into Draco Malfoy. You were expecting to be snapped at and scolded together, since you were Muggle-born, but instead he just gave you an odd look and then walked on without a word. You were quite perplexed and continue to read your book. When you got to your dormitory in the evening, you saw an owl with a note in which someone asked you if you wanted to come to the lake at seven. It was 6.55pm so you started running but when you got to the lake there was no one there. You thought someone had pranked you when suddenly hands covered your eyes. "So you came!" said a voice you only too well knew. Your heart is in your mouth as he continues to speak. "You caught my eye the first day, and then more and more often, but since you were muggle born, I've always suppressed everything I felt when I saw you. But since this afternoon I've known that I can't go on living like this. You gotta believe me I'm not what I appear to be, this is just my shell. Of course I would completely understand if you didn't want to, but" His voice sounded so tortured that you realised that you too had fallen in love with him. So you turned around, breathed "Draco" and kissed him. He totally embraced the kiss, but then he said: "You know you don't have to do this" "but I fell in love with you too!" You counter. He was over the moon and you've been a couple ever since. At first everyone was shocked, but now they like Draco too. Then you get married and have a daughter. You work as an auror.

What others think about you:Harry: She's really great and she also made me friends with Dray, he's really nice too!Ron: That's almost a perfect being!Hermione: Oh god, Draco is really nice once you get to know him! And she's super smart!Neville: The most popular girl at all of Hogwarts! And because of her, Dray even apologized to me!Lavender Brown: She's more popular than ME!Fred: Oh Merlin, this girl manages to be smart, schoolGeorge: ...to like and still have a sense of humor!Percy: Great.Molly: Who doesn't know her!Ginny: One of my best friends! And because of her, Dray is now one of my friends too!Bill: She's smart and brave!Charlie: Might as well start working with dragons right away!Fleur: A perfect girl, more perfect than I am, and there's no such thing, so she's fiction!Remus: A wonderful girl!Sirius: Oh MERLIN. She must be the daughter of two angels!Luna: My best friend! she understands me! She won't let anyone get her down!Anthony: Even smarter than Hermione!Ernie McMillan: She's quite nice but if she were my girlfriend she would be nicer!Hannah Abbott: Who doesn't like her?Draco: I love her more than anything! It was through her that I was able to get out of myself!Pansy: I HATE YOU! DRAY SPOILY IS MINE!Dumbledore: A very extraordinary girl. Everyone knows her, everyone loves her, she is open, a true sunshine! And very good for Mr. Malfoy, and the conflicts between the houses.McGonagall: The best student ever!Snape: I'm really impressed!Voldemort: She's openly rebelling against me! And because of her, young Malfoy didn't become a Death Eater, but a fighter for the good side! I must destroy them!

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