Chapter 9

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Mel called the girls over so renée could tell them what she told Mel

Chantelle's pov
I was wondering what could possibly be so important that I had to rush over to Mel's house.

"So what is it ?" I asked concerned

"There's something that I never told you guys. I was worried you guys would judge me" renée said

"Just say it" Estelle said growing impatient

"I cheated on Kaleb. With drake .. And I don't know how he found out but that's when he started abusing me.. It's all my fault" she began sobbing

Estelle and I sat there speechless

"I told drake what we were doing was wrong and I cut him off completely he didn't know anything about me getting abused. He doesn't know that Kaleb knew. Now he's trying to push up on me calling me unexpectedly. I-i don't know what to do"

"Aren't they friends though ?" Estelle asked confused

"Yeah that's what I'm worried about what If he turns out like Kaleb or something"

"I doubt that" I assured her "we got you dnt worry girl. Just from now on tell us everything because that's some serious shit"

"Yeah promise us" Mel said

"I promise thank you guys. I love Yall"

"We love you too" they all said back Forming a group hug.

"Deshawn is mad at me though. He heard me telling drake off about how us fucking was a one time thing. He claims im fuckin around with other dudes. I tried to explain but he wouldn't let me. It's not even like we're dating!" Renée said rubbing her forehead "ugh all this just gave me a headache"

"Give him time I'm sure he'll come around I can tell he likes you" Estelle said

"Yeah" I agreed "which explains why he got so upset"

"Most likely he's gonna tell one of the dudes and one of them is gonna convince him to hear you out. I'm sure of it" I laughed

"Yeah you're right. Thanks" she said

Ke'von's pov
"Yeah but .. I got a feeling he's out to get me. I'm gonna need yall's help" drake explained to us.

Drake called Deshawn , Trevion and I over to talk. Apparently Amber the girl he so called had a thing with for a lil while isn't dead anymore and drake believes Kaleb his potna and roommate is out to get him.

"Soooo .. Exactly how we finna help you? Nigga ion fuck with that dude" I told him

"Me neither mane" Trevion and Deshawn said in unison

"What exactly did you even do that would make you think he's out for you ?" I asked

"I slept with his girl a while back" he said

"And who exactly would that be ?" Trevion asked him

"Renée" he announced as deshawns head shot up

"Nigga you what?!" Deshawn yelled

"Aye nigga chill , you ain't even know her then" drake shot back

"So it was you she was talking to on the phone earlier ? Why you still Tryna get at her ?!"

"Cuz she fine" drake said smirking at Deshawn

"Fuck you nigga !" Deshawn said throwing a punch at him. They began fighting

"Hell nah Yall mfs cut that shit out ! Fuck wrong wit yall" I yelled pulling Deshawn off of him.

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