Chapter 6

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The next morning

Estelle's pov
After that shit that went down last night we all went back to my house and crashed. I was the first one to wake up so I decided to go make some breakfast for all of us.

Mel : making her way down the stairs "ooh something smell good" who up Ina kitchen whipping it up" she peeked in the kitchen and saw Estelle

"morning girl"

Mel: "morning , man I got a massive headache. Got any Tylenol?"

"yeah last cabinet on the right"

As Mel went to get her some Tylenol Chantelle came downstairs

Chantelle: morning girls

Estelle&Mel : "morning boo"

Chantelle: looking around , "where's renée?"

"sleep as usual. You know that girl would sleep all day if we'd let her"

Mel: "right she stay sleep"

They all laugh. Estelle then began to make each of them a plate.

"okay the foods ready" she sets plates down on the table and keeps renée's plate in the microwave

Mel: "so like that was some crazy shit that went down last night" she says as she sits down beginning to eat

Chantelle: "word. That drake , Aubrey , whatever , dude seemed worried as fuck"

"I seen him round school a couple times but ion really know much bout him. I heard he was like a real nerd until junior year when he got his braces off and stopped wearing glasses. Girls can't stay off him"

Mel: " I never see him with any females tho"

Chantelle : "trueee"

"well maybe cuz he been treated bad by girls before you never know. He probably just be keeping his guard up"

Renée: "morning Yall" she says as she slowly walks down the steps

Mel: "morning girl"

"Sleepy ass"

Chantelle: "morning guh"

Renée : "where my food at hoe ?"

"In the microwave heffa"

Mel: "Yall a mess" she says laughing "it's too early Ina mornin for Yall to be arguin"

"Who arguin tho? Not I "

They all laugh

"Soooo Cuzzo who was that dude you was exchanging numbers with he was cute. I see you girl"

Chantelle: "oh trevion yeah he's really nice" her phone then vibrated signaling she got a text "speaking of Trevion he just texted me"

Mel: "what he say what he say"

Chantelle : " he wants to hang later I told him to text me what time and where"

Renée : " Oooh girl gon head"

Estelle : "renée we seen you too with ya lil boo dnt even front , you too Mel "

Mel & Renée : "heh."

Chantelle: " you ain't talk to no dude Cuzzo ? , naaaaaaah I know you did dudes stay Tryna holla at yo ass"

"I mean I may have .. Talked to a guy it was nothing though he ain't really my type"

All except Estelle : "bitch you say that every time !"

Mel : " and Yall always end up dating" she laughs "girl stop fronting"

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