56: Rooftop Requests

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Three days later, my fiance sent Mr. Isaac to pick me up. Before then, I had already spoken to Pierre, telling him that I would be away for a couple of days. I was quite surprised to see Mr. Isaac after so long.

"Mr. Isaac! It's so good to see you again," I spoke while he took my baggage from me. "How have you been?"

The man almost smiled. "I'm doing good. Thank you for asking and congratulations."

I was about to ask him why until I noticed his gaze darting to the ring on my finger.

"Oh." I gave an airy laugh. "Why thank you, Mr. Isaac."

He took my baggage downstairs while I followed closely behind. After adjusting my scarf around my neck, I ducked into the car as he held it open for me. A few moments later, the car revved and we zoomed off.

I pulled out my phone to text Kendall. Earlier that day, we had jogged together and she promised to visit before I had to go away. By the looks of it, she didn't make it before then.

"Hey👋," I wrote, adding a waving emoji. "I'm already off, just so you know. Don't bother coming around anymore."

I didn't get a reply until about close to an hour later.

"Omg😱!!!" She texted back with a horrified face emoji. "I'm so sorry, babe. Had an emergency photo shoot and only picked up the phone now. Have an amazing time with your fiance😘 and don't forget to send pictures😉."

"Wait, pictures of what?"

"You know what I mean😏…"

I really didn't know what she meant but instead of pushing for answers, I chose to let sleeping dogs lie. I also got a call from Somadina. When I looked out of the window, I saw that we had already gotten to the heart of the city; where I used to hang out before.

Nostalgia arose in me once again and I reached underneath my scarf to hold my infinity-shaped pendant. Feeling gloomy all of a sudden, I let out a sigh and laid back my head for a light drowse.

"Miss…" I barely heard Mr. Isaac say while lightly tapping my shoulder.

"Mmhmmm…" I stirred before my emerald eyes fluttered open. I noticed that our conveyance was stationary but for good measure, I asked. "Have we arrived?"

He nodded, prompting me to sluggishly grab my things and clamber out of the vehicle. Mr. Isaac offered his hand at one point in case I needed help coming out but I waved a hand to show that I didn't need any help.

Once I had successfully alighted the vehicle, my jaw dropped instantly. All traces of sleep left me because of what I witnessed right then. I felt like I had just stepped into an entirely different zone of wealth.

The compound wasn't large but the building… It was so…exquisite—yes, that had to be the word because asides from that, I couldn't think of anything with which I could use to describe it. I recalled a particular structure that I had seen when I first came to the city. The one that was made almost entirely out of glass. The structure before me reminded me so much of it.

Mr. Isaac spoke while I was still frozen in time, enthralled by all that was before me. "Would you like to go inside, Miss?"

Snapping back to reality, I shook my head. "Yes, please."

As we approached the fancy house, I noticed hefty men patrolling the environment and I made a mental note to ask my fiance about it when I saw him. The entranceway was embellished with many paintings and there was an elevator at the end of it. This amazed me. Mr. Isaac ushered me into it and proceeded to manipulate its buttons before we started to ascend.

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