shadow adventure 2 chapter 8

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[With each passing time the ark gets closer and closer to the earth]

Knuckles: we can't give up now that the earth is counting on us.

Eggman: maybe this[ holds up a disc] could give us some answers. [ hands Rouge a computer disk]

Rouge: What's this?

Eggman: This is my grandfather's diary.

[Rouge puts the disk into the terminal by the wall and text starts scrolling up on the monitor]

Rouge: I don't quite know what happened, or what went wrong. Was it a mistake to create the Ultimate Life Form? I thought it would be something that would benefit mankind... But then the military guards landed on the Colony that day. They were sent to destroy the research project that I had been working on. My colleagues at the research facility, my granddaughter Maria, I hope you are all safe.

[Rouge's voice begins to blend in with Gerald's, as he shifts to the main speaker]

Rouge/Gerald: The colony was completely shut down, probably to prevent the prototype from falling into the wrong hands.Gerald: The ARK was shut down under the premise that there had been an accident. I found Maria's name among those who died when the ARK was shut down. She meant everything to me! And I couldn't bear the thought that she died because of my research. I lost everything! I had nothing more to live for! I went insane!! All I could think about, was to avenge her! Somehow, someway, I got scared as I no longer was able to control my thoughts. All I could think about, was that I wanted it all to end. Based on my original projections, I was able to complete my project; Shadow. I designed its mind to be perfect, pure... I will leave everything, to him. If you wish, release and awaken it to the world..if you wish to fill the world with destruction.

Rouge: [still reading diary] bit even after all that i didnt want shadow to be alone so i created him a son, sonic. I know shadow will be a good father to him. Shadow if your ever reading this just know that me and maria will alwaysto with you.  [Turns to Eggman] Oh, so that's why you released Shadow from the base! [still reading diary]  [turns to Eggman] Oh, so that's why you released Shadow from the base!

Eggman: The core of the Eclipse Cannon is now highly reactive and explosive. This is because of the energy of the Chaos Emeralds is overpowering it. If the colony collides with earth, it will shatter into pieces like my grandfather predicted! [affectionately] That mad scientist!

Amy: That should be you, right?

Tails: We have to stop the Space Colony, now!

Eggman: The Space Colony ARK's position may have shifted due to the amount of energy given off by the Emeralds. We have to stop the energy!

Tails: But... how?

Rouge: Hmm, that's it. There is a way to stop the energy! [to Knuckles] We have to use your Emerald! You're the one who told me that the Master Emerald has the power to stop the Chaos Emeralds!

Knuckles: That's right. [pulls out the Master Emerald] If I use this, I just might be able to stop the Chaos Emeralds!

Tails: The reaction of the Chaos Emeralds is moving toward the Cannon's Core! It may be too late!

Eggman: There still may be time left. If we pull together, we might be able to get to the shortcut that leads to the core! Let's get to work!!

[Amy aimisly walked around the ark hoping when she heard crying. She ran to the room where the cry came from. She opened the door revealing a nursery and in a crib was a small blue hedgehog hoglet. Amy was about to pick sonic up]

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