Book 0: Memoir of Darkness

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Chapter 0.1 Light in our spirits


Long ago the Avatar, protector of life, the bridge between the spirit world and Earth maintained balance in between these two different worlds by keeping them apart for generations. Until one Avatar, Korra ...

Avatar Korra in her age fought many foes and entities to keep this balance until in one huge chaos she faced by herself her uncle Unalaq ally and dark Avatar of the Evil spirit Vaatu. These two clashed over the destiny of the Earth realm and spirit world, breaking the fabric between the two worlds two portals were created, the northern water tribe portal and the southern water tribe portal. Once Unalaq and Vaatu were defeated and sealed away Avatar Korra thought that chaos like this wouldn't reign over the four nations on the earth realm and spirit world, until that fateful day...

Chapter 0.1 Light in our spirits

The sun gleamed over Aten's eyes provoking a slight moan out of him- "Ooooh man its morning already..."

Aten stood silent recapacitating his thoughts until he realized what day it is.
"Aaaaaaahhh I'm late!!! I forgot it's my bending initiation ritual!!!"

Aten rushed over his clothes and bag and headed out into the center of the Spirit Communion.

In his way he sought the beautiful green skies, turtle ducks on the silver gleaming pond, the bioluminescent wisps in the air, the various flora that surrounded the big communion wall. Finally, he stopped facing a giant sandstone door with excitement and nervousness
"Oh man I hope they pleaaase let me in or else I'll have to wait a whole other year for this!"-Aten spoke to himself.

He stood there for a few minutes feeling a cold breeze inside him telling him to give up, when suddenly two strong looking women appeared-

"You, future bender are late for your initiation do you have any way to apologize for your insolence to Master Rehema."- both women spatted to Aten in unison.
Aten in agony and shame barely spouted a word-
"Agh... I, I..."-Only to be interrupted by the gentle voice of an elderly man- "There, there now don't be so hard on my new pupil and little friend."

"Master Rehema!"- Aten pitched in surprise- "Although don't cha think you are going unpunished for you being late! Hehehehe"- Rehema chimed in.

"Wait what! That's unfair!"- Aten pouted. "Is it now?" -Rehema answered, while raising his eyebrow meaning he was serious. Aten gasped and gulped- "My apologies Master!"- Rapidly Aten said.

"Very well shall we go inside; your brother has already initiated and your parents are impatiently waiting for your arrival." -Rehema gently told the boy.

Both rushed into the preparation room, Aten rapidly change into his ritual clothes being, gold armbands, a white sleeveless shirt with golden edges, Royal Blue aladdin pants with golden designs, a gold choker, and sandals.

Aten nervous was looking at himself overthinking if he was able to handle bending correctly for his first time. He shrugged it off thinking about the new possibilities and doors that this gift will open up to him. After all the spirit initiation is fundamental for his people the Spirit Communers, it meant the start of their adventure in the different ways of life. Many communers became Bending Masters, Spirit Guards, Artists, Healers and much more...

Aten smiled, decided, and excited he headed for the rite arena. "Very well my young pupil. Let us start this show!"- Rehema encouraged Aten.

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