Chapter 0.5 The will of two brothers

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Chapter 0.5 The Will of two Brothers

Months Later...

"Aton come on;  you barely spend time with me anymore! You promised me that you would be by my side, yet you just leave me to train and that's it!" Aten argued.  "You know I can't hang out with you as much as I would like to, Aton! Training takes everything out of me, and if I'm not prepared, I would never achieve my goal!" Aton replied.  "Ugh! Fine you can go! But if you can!" Aten incited. "What do you me-" Aton got cut short by an energy blast from Aten. "Oh, you will regret that Aten!"  Aton said as he energy bent light whips at his brother.  Aten was up in the air preparing to launch an attack.  "Tch, predictable, how about this for size Aten!" -Aton said as he shot lots of tiny piercing light beams at Aten. Aten bent a stream of light to stop each and one of the beams as he fell to the ground.  In those instances, Aten vanished and reappeared safely in the ground, as he charged the light stream towards Aton. "Heh, you've became aggressive Aton, which makes you easier to defeat." - Aten said as his stream was redirected away from his target. "Don't get too cocky with me Brother you know you don't stand a chance!" Aton said as he trapped Aten in vortex of energy. Aten entered the life force and vanished. He teleported outside the vortex with lots of difficulty. He prepared his next tactic as Aton was leaving the area. "See you later brother, you still need to improve like me, my defense is equal to my offense." Aton said as Aten was about to stop him. "I'm not done yet Aton, Take this!"  Aten said as the ring of energy he bended reached and trapped Aton.  "Argh, you cheeky jerk, let me go!" Aton screamed in frustration. "I will, only if you say you'll keep your promise Aton, you know mom, dad and I miss you and we barely even see you anymore so please Aton just please take your time to be with us at least once a week." Aton said pleadingly. "Hmmmm, fine I'll try my best, yet..." Aton smirked as he instantly undoes his brother's trap.  "You need to better your techniques they are too brittle and easy to maneuver through, although I must give you one thing you amaze me with. How the heck do you even escaped my vortex, reached so high up and got to the floor safely?!" Aton continued. "Well, it's just a lucky trick I know" Aten grinned after his comment.  "Well, I guess benders do have their tricks." Aton scoffed wanting to know.  "Anyhow may I leave brother?" Aton asked politely to Aten. "Agh, fine just go"-Aten replied in a huff.

BOOOOM!!! ...

"HUH, what was that?" Aten said disconcerted "Stay behind me Aten" Aton said protectively. "It sounded like it came from the outskirts of the communion, we should go and check out if anyone got hurt!" Aten spoke worried.  "We? You should stay here for your safety brother, let me handle this, after all I'm the one in advanced training." Aton indicated. "You must be kidding right?  I'm not going to let you go alone, if you go, I go."  Aten argued. "Tch, we don't have time for this!  Fine, just always stay behind me."  Aton urgently replied.

The boys headed to the outskirts of the communion where on their way the saw black smoke coming in their direction.  "Geez what's with all the smoke whatever caused the explosion really must've burnt a big portion of the forest." Aton observed. "Yeah, the closer we get to the explosion site the harder it is to breathe." Aten commented.  The boys followed the smoke until the find a group of monks and masters investigating the area.  The forest was severely burnt, and a massive crater was in the center of the site.  There were pieces of wood resembling a box lid. "Huh, what an odd symbol on this box lid it doesn't seem to be like one of the ones we use, what do you think Aten?" Aton asked. "Hmmm its weird, it has a small green logo on one of the edges its kind off looks like a green coin with a squared hole in the middle." Aten noticed. "That's so odd where could this come from? We need to show this to our elders now!" Aton commanded. "Look master Rehema is there we could give it to him so he can investigate it with the rest of the monks!" Aten suggested. "Good thinking lets speak to him! " Aton complimented.

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