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Pawsteps whispered over the starry forest floor as three cats padded through the moonlit undergrowth, they're fur brushing the leaves as they go by.
  The first was a blue she-cat, her startling blue eyes seemingly able to view the entire world.
  The next was a dappled tortoiseshell she-cat, as beautiful as ever, her tail held high.
  Then next came a lithe brown tabby tom, as lean and muscular as the cats on the moor.
  The three cats padded into a clearing, where an elderly gray she-cat was laying,  grooming her patchy pelt.
  "Greetings,  Yellowfang," the tortoiseshell meowed, dipping her head to the older cat.
  "We have come to talk of the Three," rasped the blue she-cat. 
  "What about them, Bluestar?" Yellowfang snapped at the blue she-cat.             
  The old Medicine Cat was grouchy, but she had proved with Cinderpelt, ThunderClan's former Medicine Cat,  the she had a tender side, too, encouraging the young, disabled she-cat to be confident of herself.
  After her death in a fire, Yellowfang joined the ranks of StarClan alongside her former leader and Clan mates.
  "Now Yellowfang, there's no call for that," the dappled tortoiseshell mewed softly, her multi-colored tail resting on Yellowfang's boney shoulders.
  "Spottedleaf is right," the brown tom spoke for the first time,  coming to stand beside the young tortoiseshell.
  "We shouldn't fight amongst ourselves,  it isn't productive."  he meowed.
  "Exactly, Runningwind. Now Yellowfang, as you know the Three are soon to be born. We gave Firestar the prophecy long ago; 'there will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.' And the reincarnation of Jay's Wing, Dove's Wing, and Lion's Roar was prophesied." Spottedleaf meowed.
  "And what does that have to do with him?" Yellowfang growled, flicking her tail at Runningwind.
   "We think he's ready to be reincarnated himself, as one of Whitewing and Birchfall's kits. Although he would be born as a she-kit." Bluestar meowed, her voice rasping from age.
  "He has served his Clan well, in life and in death, and even gave Firestar his fourth life, that of tireless energy.
  "If he is ready and willing," Bluestar continued, "then he should be allowed to be reborn into ThunderClan. What do you think, Yellowfang?" Bluestar asks, taking a pace forward. 
  "You're mouse-brained, that's what I think." Yellowfang growled,  stepping towards Bluestar and shoving her face close to her former leader's.
  A sharp hiss sounded from behind the two quarreling she-cats, and Runningwind growled, "you must have thistledown for a brain if you don't think I'm worthy!"
  Yellowfang whipped around, coming to stand over the smaller cat.
  "Watch your tongue young'un, or I'll watch it for you," Yellowfang snarled at him, a growl rumbling in her throat.
  Runningwind shrank back at her sharp retort, his ears flat against his head and his neck fur bristling in fear of the old Medicine Cat.
  "Now now, no need for fighting. Yellowfang,  please, he is worthy of this great honor." Spottedleaf meowed gently.
  "Fine! But if he messes up his new life don't say I didn't try to stop you!" Yellowfang growled,  padding angrily into the starry forest.
  "Well, this is goodbye, for now," Bluestar rasped to Runningwind. Touching her nose to his, she padded after Yellowfang.
  Runningwind's body began to dissolve into mist. Spottedleaf touched her nose to his and stepped back.
  "Good luck, Runningwind, and may StarClan light your path," she meowed as Runningwind faded completely.

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