One: the night at a bar

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Virginia Woolf once wrote: "You cannot find peace by avoiding life."


Wine washed down my throat, the newly poured glass of red liquid was placed on top of the coffee table. Just when I fell into the soft cushion of my couch and a deep breath welled over my lips, my phone vibrated before a deafening noise followed.

What was it about me wanting to take a pause and people simply not allowing it?

"Don't you dare, missy! Get your arse up." Her thick Irish accent rang through my ears and I pictured her angry brows furrowing.

"Kia, you creep me the fuck out!" I giggled, pinching the skin on my knee, as my foot was placed on the coffee table in front of me too. The spot turned red within seconds. "I'm exhausted." I pouted, as if she could see or would care.

"Well, and the better reward for you getting this amazin' job would definitely be going out!" The eye roll couldn't be prevented. She was aware of my lack of social interaction. But I, on the other hand, was convinced that I had no need for such. Who needed plenty of friends? It was draining to keep up lies and it was easy to get mixed up in it all. "You need to get laid. Literally. Treat yourself. You've been awfully stressed with that academy and preparing for the interview. You've got it in your pocket, no need to worry 'bout it."

Just that there was no interview. Hotchner needed to make a call and it was cleared.

The almost-choking on my own spit did not stay unnoticed and earned a heartfelt laugh to fill the room. "Shut up!" I cracked out. "I am getting laid! And I am celebrating."

"Your hand literally does not count. C'mon, live a little outside of your sad living room with that cheap wine of yours."

"At least I'm getting off." I grinned, as if it were the proudest thing in my life.

It was not. Don't get me wrong; I had the opportunity plenty of times. Men and women tried to shoot their shots. It was me who rejected it each time. I loved to flirt with people. It was just a part of me by now. When I was younger, I was quick to learn that when you are a pretty girl, you'll get what you want if you bat your eyelashes and tease just enough. Making your opposite believe they'll get what they want is the key. Though the key word is 'believe'. None of them get anything else but the look of me.

Yet, telling Kiana the truth would lead to more questions, which I would fancy to avoid. So, I whispered a rather annoyed "fine" and found myself in an Uber only half an hour later. The outfit was not meant to deeply impress anyone. Actually, I found it quite intriguing to see how people reacted to my casual fit at a bar. It depended on where you were visiting such establishments, to be honest and it depended on what people viewed as casual.
Perspectives and stuff. I wouldn't get rid of my job, even in my private life. Not that I'd want it. I was just getting started anyway. I would reach my goal. I felt like that would become an issue in the future...

For me, at least tonight, it was a black cocktail dress with long sleeves and a square chest cutout. Casual meant, for me, little makeup and little attention to the hair. I messed up the first thing. My eyes became more smokey than intended, but honestly, I didn't mind. It was probably the wine anyway. It tends to make me bolder. I wouldn't see anyone after this night anyway, not that they'd recognize me. And I had to admit, the dark brown blended into black did suit my eyes.

So here I stood. The chilly air wrapped around my body like a coat—speaking of which—the one piece I forgot. I was in no rush; since I knew Kia too well to be in a hurry, I still managed to leave it behind. Even a few minutes later, I was still in place, waiting. She did a magnificently good job of being late. A couple of laughters along with dark figures approached from a nearby alley, which earned me to go inside the bar.

Reminded of the hollow darkness in the night, I felt like a child again. Although that moment passed a second later.

If Kia thought it was relatively alright to be late all the fucking time, I gotta tell her something about that... again. With an uneasy pair of steps towards the bar and through a rather small crowd, I found two empty stools. Plunged down, purse on the surface in front of me, I sighed.

Heavy scents of all kinds of drinks and people filled my nose. The lack of oxygen had already begun to pressure my head. This would be a hell of a night if I didn't get anything into my system soon. And where the hell is Kia?

Before I knew it, a drink was passed over to me, making my eyes lock with the bartender. His lip tugged at the right corner, as if he were trying to smile.

"I haven't ordered yet." I voiced, averting my eyes and staring down at the drink. The margarita was topped with a glistening slice of lime. It did appear alluring.

His dirty blonde hair was slicked back, just a single strand hanging in his face and covering half of his icy blue eye. A crooked nose added to the charm. He was confident, but so was I, if I put my mind to it.

I'd find her. I was closer to it than ever before. All these years—

I was pulled out of my momentous train of thought when a hand was placed on my lower back. I froze and almost hissed.

"It was me," A tender voice called out rather close to my ear and my body relaxed under her touch. Head turning to my side in a jumpy way, a woman's gaze met mine.

Her eyes were dark, lashes long and thick and her whole appearance left me holding my breath and wondering what was going on. The white blouse left a few buttons open at the top. Just enough space to show the beginning of her porcelain-appearing cleavage. She was a tease.

"A margarita?" I swallowed and felt my anxiety slowly washing away as I followed the soft curls of her raven hair.

Ignoring my question, the drop-dead gorgeous woman placed her drink on the counter. She stretched out her hand for me while taking the seat I saved for Kia.

"Emily." She exclaimed and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

Damn, she was calm.

"Jean," I said, watching a smile form on her nude red lips. As she leaned her chin onto her hand, head tilted slightly aside, I allowed my eyes to wander for just a second, admiring the sharp line of her jaw.

"What brings a pretty girl like you here all alone?" My eyes lingered on her plum lips as she asked before meeting the proud smirk. "No boyfriend or girlfriend accompanying you?"

Emily's hand led the glass up to her lips. The visibility of her swallow left me shaking my head and focusing on the question.

"I was supposed to meet with a friend." Her dark brow cocked, as if asking me to elaborate. "I took the hint that I was supposed to go out alone that one time of the year."

"Oh, oh, now that makes sense. Though, I did not expect you to not—" My mouth allowed a gasp to leave my lips, interrupting the stunning lady.

Only as she started to speak did I realize what it might have sounded like. I never intended to say that I came here to get banged, although it seemed as if just that was what I actually wanted. Or it was her. Perhaps I just wanted it to be her to bang me.

Where did my calm and teasing side go?

"Is it obvious that I suck at this?"

What was I even saying now? I didn't suck at the teasing and all of it! I was a goddamn legend. Always have been. So, why did I suddenly do this? I was feeling genuinely lacking of the sexual aura of mine.

Emily's gentle chuckle left my mouth dry, and when she placed her hand over mine, I could feel the heat flushing my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She furrowed her brows and bit down on her lip, hiding the smile.

"You know, you don't have to make me feel better about my lack of social skills." I grinned, feeling much easier.

"Why don't you have a sip of your drink and stop overthinking? I believe we can make this night unforgettable." She whispered and sipped her drink another time.

Her lips captured the rim of the glass just perfectly.

I flashed a slim beam and took one myself. The burning of the liquor left as it slid down my throat was almost exciting, to say the least. The sugar still melting in my mouth. "So, why this drink?" I questioned her again.

The dark-haired woman glimpsed for a little longer before smacking her tongue. "I was right then?"

Oh, she was confident and not in a way that she even had to try it. She was simply like that.

"Answering a question with a question is no answer, Emily." I whispered and winked.

There it was again.

"Let's say, I am good at reading people." Her moving lips dared to pull me into a spell. Her spell.

I thought about saying "me too,"  but there was no need to brag about something I technically did not own as one of my proudest talents.

"Oh really?" My brow rose and I drank as the conversation went along. "What exposed me to enjoying drinking a margarita?"

This was indeed growing into an unforgettable night. Somehow I expected to receive a rather honest reply, though I was mistaken.

"Alright," She cleared her voice, finished her drink and ordered another one immediately. I almost tapped my feet in excitement when she gave in. What would she say? This was too easy. Hands intertwined and my chin leaned on top, I waited. When Emily's eyes were back on me, she let out an amused chuckle. "Margarita is the most popular cocktail among Americans. So it was either that or something much sweeter. Long Island, maybe?"

Lips stretched into a smile, I couldn't help but find it interesting how she didn't just say, "I guessed. That's all." Because that's what she did. It was nothing but a guess. It was a game we both enjoyed and I was willing to keep playing along. Perhaps I was even a little disappointed; she didn't say the cold truth. Though maybe I was even more pulled towards her since she wrapped it in pretty paper with a bow.

"No, no," I said, my hands making silly movements, though my eyes remained on her new drink. "I'm a tequila girl through and through. And you seem to be a whiskey one."

"Guilty." She rose her glass and instinctively I did too.

The clinking rang inside my ears for a little bit, but it was forgotten when Emily gulped down the golden liquor with one go. Why was this so hot? I took a big sip myself, feeling the heat spreading all over my body and sinking into my core.

For another few drinks, we sat in a comfortable, flirty atmosphere.

"I'll go to the restroom." I excused myself, knowing her eyes would follow my teasingly moving hips as I disappeared in the crowd.

The music and chattering loud one minute were muted almost completely inside the restroom. Splashing my red cheeks with water, I felt the dizziness wash down my skin. The wine at home was not the best idea, nor was it to drink so fast.

Why did I try to keep up with her pace? And why on earth did it not bother me at all, that she managed to make me do this? With my hands tightly gripping the sink, I took a few deep breaths. My booming head didn't want to slow down.

The door swung open, revealing noise and the figure of Emily strutting closer. I loosened my grip and pretended it all was just fine, as if I didn't feel like I drank a mega-pint of margaritas.

"Why don't we get out of here?" A sudden tug of hair behind my ear and a hand on my hip caused me to clench my jaw. My thighs pressed together, the arousal purely created by her words and looks. "How does that sound?"

Emily's front pressed against my back as her hand sneaked closer to my crotch. Hot breath hovered over my neck as she brushed my hair over one shoulder.

It was only then that the woman's thumb on my bottom lip came to my attention. Eyes bouncing back to her in the mirror, I agreed. "Sounds good."

    She threw quite a bit of cash on top of the counter when we passed by, paying for the two of us. The grin wasn't even hidden from my lips anymore. I wanted her to see it. I actually couldn't hide it anymore, so I guess that was good enough. A coat in her hand and a smirk full of pride decorated the brunette's face. Before placing her hand on my lower back and leading me outside, I embraced my purse. With an instant, a wave of goosebumps hit me, while the much colder air sizzled underneath my arms. It was as if I sobered up within the moment.

With the booming noises of the bar left behind, I felt myself unable to speak. The overflow of sounds and sudden removal felt like heaven. It was a true blessing—back pressed into the cold wall, my lips were attacked by Emily's. Caught of guard, my eyes ripped open. Though I soon relaxed, I found myself addicted to the heat of her tongue teasing mine. The little sucking and even biting left me moaning into her mouth. Throbbing crotch, I dared to make more sounds. Hands holding my body in place, she allowed one to slip lower, just grazing my ass by mere centimeters.

"Take me to your place." I panted and her eyes darted right at me.

She studied my face. Eyes tracing every minor feature in it.

"Let's go, pretty girl." Emily's breath hit my lips, leaving me squirming internally. "I wouldn't want to keep you waiting."


It was not until the door to her apartment was locked behind us, that she forced herself onto me. And I reveled in the way her hands traveled. The way she explored my mouth and body with her tongue with hunger. It almost felt too good to be true. With the same energy, my clothes were taken off one by one. Dress left behind on the floor, she moved onto my bra.

And suddenly her mouth was rather close to my ear, so her hot breath hovered over my neck too. "You're looking way too good in this."

"Should see me without it." I smirked and pulled the woman up to my face again, crushing our lips together. The unexpected soft groan leaving her lips left my arousal drip into the remaining pool of wetness in my thong. "Fuck, you're hot."

Out of the blue, she took a hand full of my hair, pulling my head into my neck, exposing the sensitive skin utterly to the woman. Emily's hand came up to my throat, sliding down from my jaw to my cleavage. Open-mouthed kisses and sucks, even bites, were traveling all along my skin. Gasps welled over my lips, while my grip on the woman tightened once in a while when the right spot was reached.

My bra was unclasped and added to my dress on the floor. Moving into another room, we stumbled and were almost crushed to the ground due to me, who tripped over the corner of a carpet.

Giggles left her mouth. "Careful, princess."

Never had I been more glad to be in a dark room. My face was flushed and looked like it was drowned in red paint. Or so it felt, to say the least.

Quiet noises from the traffic outside reached my ears before I was pushed onto the mattress of her bed. I was given the breathtaking view of the brunette stepping in between my legs and reaching her hand towards the line of buttons holding her silky blouse close. My legs closed behind her, pulling her toward me. Heat pressing my damp thong against my cunt.

Though when I dared to prop onto my elbows and lift up further, she pushed me into the bed.

"No touching." I remembered those words all too well out of my own mouth and suddenly I had my doubts.

What was I doing here? I wanted this. I needed to get rid of the tension. Though when those fingertips slid up and down my thighs, above a rougher tissue and she didn't say a thing, I was certain of my decision. I wanted this.

Obeying her movement, I loosened my legs around her and watched the blouse slide down those muscles, exposing her stunning dark balcony bra. A scar painted her abdomen, right below her ribs, though I was too stunned by the bra anyway. I couldn't make out the color, yet it had to be something blue-ish. Nevertheless, it wasn't the color I wanted to think about anyway. It was what stayed hidden behind the fabric.

Though I was not granted another look at her cleavage before she stripped out of her black trousers. There she stood. I assumed it was a matching pair of underwear, since the lace seemed genuinely fitting. It all looked like it belonged only to her body.

"Holy shit." I gasped and threw my arms behind my head. The mattress digged in left and right on my hips before she was straddling my lap and continuing where we left of.

The wet and sloppy traces of her tongue and mouth left my skin tingling in anticipation. Her hands roamed the sides of my chest, taking her sweet time before cupping my tits and massaging them. The newly created pleasure earned my breathing to deepen.

"Move back," she cooed, her tone demandingly sweet. "Princess." She added and I would've moaned on the spot if I hadn't bit down on my tongue.

Tingling heat filled my core. Sitting in between my angled legs, Emily's lips pressed the gentlest smooches to my inner thighs, prepping my skin with love. Thong stripped off my legs and gave me a last lust-filled glance, right before lowering her hot breath and mouth to my clit. The gentle flicking of my bud grew into a harsher sucking, leaving me hanging at her mercy within seconds.

        "I need more." I panted, the sweat forming on my forehead and back a while after.

"Ask nicely, princess." She whispered, the breath of hers hitting my pulsating and swollen clit. Our eyes met. "Say please."

"Please." My eyes narrowed, looking down the line between my breasts, above the small pouch on my lower belly and toward Emily.

The tip of her pointy nose glistening with my wetness and I couldn't prevent the fantasies filling my head.

"Please what, Jean?" Her lips planted a kiss on my inner thigh, her hands stroking up and down my legs.

"Emily, fuck me!" I groaned, finally losing my patience.

As if pleased with my outburst, the raven-haired woman smirked and lowered her head. "As you wish."

And she did. The pleasure only grew as two of her fingers filled my cunt repeatedly. It was way too good to feel her fingertips curl up and hit my g-spot. The pressure was enough to rob me of my own breath. Hips buckling, I hoped to chase the orgasm. I couldn't even form proper sentences anymore. Although she threatened to pull away the first time I did something on my own, I couldn't stop. I needed this. Needed her fingers right fucking now. I needed her fingers to fuck me.

"Harder," I moaned, my eyes squeezing shut. "P-please!"

"Such a good girl.." Her hums finally did it. I was pushed over the edge, screaming for God. "You can call me, Emily." She chuckled, while my legs didn't want to let go of the tension.

"Emily, god—" I gasped. "Please." My brows knitted.

"Another one?" Her purrs followed after she moved her fingers the same way. In response, I groaned out, hands gripping the sheets left and right of me. "Oh, you are so wet." She moaned and my head spun, bathing in her words and sounds.

It wasn't until then that I heard it too. Her fingers bumping into me.

Eating me out like there was no tomorrow, the brunette's mouth worked wonders.

"Oh—" Breath caught in my throat, the heartbeat rang inside my ears and I could've sworn I heard the blood rushing through my body. "Emily—mhhh god!"

Chasing the next orgasm, I focused on nothing but the tingling pleasure pooling in my tight abdomen. She curled her fingers against the same spot as before, forcing my back to arch.

"Princess, do you want to come?" The teasing tone did it alone. The heat washed over my skin, along with the next orgasm mere moments later.

My legs shook, while my toes curled almost painfully. Every muscle in my body burned, like I just finished a hardcore Pilates workout.

"I almost forgot how this feels." I chuckled airily, the shaking coming to an end.

"Now really?" Emily grinned, crawling up to the headboard. Back leaning straight against it, she indicated I could lay my head into her lap. I didn't. It felt odd to lay here and allow her to touch me so innocently. It was one thing to have sex. It was the touch I was not getting around and not feeling too bothered by. However, laying my head into her hands for a gentle touch was nothing I'd do. I couldn't. I shouldn't. The brunette brushed it off by slipping out of bed to grab some more booze. Her silhouette left me drooling and the faint black ink above her ass left me speechless. "Look what I found."

The bottle was shaken in her hand and a laugh escaped my mouth. "Don't tell me you've got tequila?"

"Oh well, then I guess I put it back?" Her brow cocked and the smirk plastered on her face.

Jesus, she looked way too fine in that bra and that tattoo... "Why is it that only I am stripped down to my— everything?" The blanket lay over my chest and I watched her tilt her head.

"Really?" Emily sat down in the same spot, drinking out of the bottle. She handed the liquor to me and I gulped down a sip myself, the harsh burn only wearing off after I pulled a weird face, earning her to laugh at me. "I can't help but think it was your first time going to a bar to do this." The slur in her voice way too clear; I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Thought we were done playing games?" I snorted, catching a mysterious glimpse of her.

"I think the game has just begun. I've got you in my bed, Jean." She smirked.

Eyes narrowed, I let my fingertips brush along the bottle, the wet coldness feeling nicely smooth. "True or false. If I tell a lie and you catch me, I have to drink. If not, it's you who has to."

The brunette threw her head back, laughing hysterically but agreeing. "Sure."

I didn't think this through. What the hell was I supposed to do? I hated talking about myself.

"I've seen something I am rather curious about and want to ask about." I raised my eyebrow, catching her frowning.

Did I slur badly?

"Do you know how this game works?" Emily asked funnily and I shook my head, the proudest expression planted upon my face. "What are you curious about?"

Gasping, I glared at her. "Emily, I lied!" Not.

"Yeah, alright, take the tequila."

"You would've to drink!" I giggled, sipping on the bottle, feeling the world spin around me.

"But you lied!" She burst out laughing, falling halfway on top of me. "You tots lied!"

"Noo, I did not." I hiccupe and the woman's dark orbs stared at me. Breath hovering over my skin. "I want to kiss you." I breathed.

"So do it." Her purr left me gasping, though I tangled my hands in her silky hair and felt those plum lips on mine again. She tasted of tequila and I loved it. Hands came up to cup my still exposed chest, stiff nipples meeting her somehow wet palms. "Close your eyes." Emily's mouth peppered my jaw and neck with more wet kisses.

One night. For one night, it was okay to do this. I'd focus on Annie later on. She'll be my first priority, first thing in the morning.

"Jesus, Emily..." I hummed, fiddling with the back of her bra and the lace underneath my fingertips. She was too addictive. "You so—" I cleared my voice and tried again. "You're so hot."

"Oh, shut up and open your legs." She purred and dug her teeth into my flesh, her pleasure spreading and her head spinning.


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