Six: back home

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"It's a funny thing coming home. Nothing changed. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what's changed is you."

~F. Scott Fitzgerald


Garcia's squirm reached the elevator doors, before they opened with a bing. A warm and wide beam had fallen upon her face, pushing her bright pink cheeks upwards.

"You can't even imagine how bad I've missed you guys!" She exclaimed, hugging onto me at first, since I was the one who stood at the very front.

"Oh, I can." I smiled, whilst my chin was placed on top of her shoulder, taking in those sweet scents of her parfum. "But maybe size down the excitement?" I whispered and Penelope immediately got the clue.

Parting again, her expression was hinting at a downwards turned mouth. "Anyone want to go to O'Keefs?"

And after what took place these past few days, I had expected for Jean to remain quiet like she did after the funeral of Megan Oakley. The cries of Alina, the girl left now alone with the Parker's, filled the graveyard. Jean had tried to keep it together, though when Alina's sobs increased their intensity she shed more than one tear. I couldn't help the well known feeling of compassion to lead my actions. My hand had reached for Jean's, unnoticed at first. Yet when I understood what I, or more what we did, she squeezed my hand and hold it as if releasing some of her pain or transferring it to me.

So, when the blonde's voice from behind me touched the tip of my ears, I turned my head to see it with my own eyes.

"I'll pass this time. Maybe another time, I get done with the paperwork and head home." Jean attempted to pull a smile up on that mask, though we all were very aware of what she was going through was not easy. The woman strutted forward. "Drink for me." She hold her hand in the air and waved goodbye, not turning around but sitting down at her desk instead.

Rossi's gaze burned holes into my shoulder, I could literally feel not only his eyes on me. "I'll take care of this. Get home, we'll be fine." I smiled at the rest of us.

"We can stay with you two." Penelope immediately stated, head bouncing up and down.

Rossi was quick to place his hand on her shoulder. Brows furrowed, the man tilted his head slightly.

"She is a lot like our Emily here." He stated, voice deep and full of empathy as usually. "Let's give them some space."

"Of course." She replied swiftly. "Good night y'all. Have a nice weekend." She smiled and soon enough the rest of the team went to grab their belongings too.

We walked through the glass doors and the team spread towards their desks, acting as though Jean was not there. They grabbed their bags and one by one left us behind.

I stepped closer to the blonde, steps echoing through the empty office. We were all alone.

"They act like I am fragile." She said, and it seemed as though it was a monologue.

"Are you?" My arms crossed and Jean tensed, before her back stopped facing me.

Hazel eyes met mine.

"Fragile?" She scoffed, her arms mimicking the same position as mine. "I've gone through worse. Her funeral was—" Jean cut herself off, feeling her own mask falling.

The woman swallowed and opened the file on top of her desk. A picture of Megan was pinned to the top right corner of the first page.

"It's alright to be upset." Her fists clenched at that statement.

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