💀 Necromancy (Fallen Swordmaster)

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Requested by; Ku_maro

Reread (for errors); YES

After Swordmaster's defeat, he is thought to be dead. However, Void Reaver doesn't plan on giving up so easily. Basically a continuation of "New Master of the Sword"



      It had been days since his defeat. Swordmaster laid there at the bottom of his once precious Heights. Dried blood surrounded him, his muscles eroded and leaving only a skinny frame. He wasn't fresh, but he was still far from decomposed.

      Swordmaster's old brass crown barely stuck to his head, his very last piece of dignity and pride. His once bright red eyes were sunkin and lifeless, the shocked emotion no longer present. Many other bones laid around, bones of past kings and challengers. Most of these bones were because of Swordmaster.

      Centuries he kept his Heights safe from anyone daring to take them. When Swordmaster took in a tower pupil, he never expected to be defeated by the very baby he raised and loved. The last feeling he did have was regret.

      Not regret to taking in Gladiator and raising him, turning him into the finest swordmaster this world has seen and later losing to him, but he regretted losing his temper over some crumbling and lonely place. Maybe if he never did what he did, Swordmaster could of accepted the change and live his happy days with his pupil going to do great things.

      Instead, he has the illumina he gave to Gladiator wedged in his decaying forehead. Being dead wasn't all that fun. Good thing you had a very clear mind. A very clear one.

      It seemed that Swordmaster would turn out just like the rest of his victims; a pile of bones and an old brass crown. What a way to repeat the cycle.

      The bottom of the Heights was void of life. Not even bugs lived down here. None to feast on Swordmaster. It was a blessing for his body, and a blessing for someone else emerging from the shadows.

      Six violet eyes, each belonging to the same body, shined through the darkness. As he entered the light that still shined above the break in ghe clouds, Void Reaver's mass came into view. His footsteps were heavy, his size rattling the bones of the dead.

      Void Reaver had been waiting for this day. He was disappointed he couldn't get here sooner, but he had worked with bodies more decayed then this. Even if Swordmaster was a pile of ashes, he would find a way to make it work.

      "You nurtured and loved your own fate for many years. Such tragedy," Void Reaver's voice was heavy and soft, the echo carrying through the empty place. "I am not surprised. The only way you would of ended up here would be from your own doing. I couldn't even defeat you..." he stalked around the body, speaking to it as if Swordmaster could still listen.

      Void Reaver paused and looked down, humming to himself. "It seems I have neglected you for a bit too long. You are a minute away from being a skeleton," he murmured. Closing the distance, Void Reaver reached down and gently slid the illumina out.

      Tossing it to the side like a used toothpick, Void Reaver crouched down and lifted the cold body in his arms. He groaned as he straightened back up. Not because of the little weight he was lifting up, but because his knees weren't the best after a couple of centuries.

      Adjusting his grip, Void Reaver stepped back into the shadows. The old brass crown was the only thing left from Swordmaster as he was taken away from his grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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