👑Fallen King x Gravedigger💀

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requested by; Sourcande

Reread (for errors); YES


      "Stupid idiots, stupid towers, stupid titans who think they're so much better, stupid Fallen Stupid King," Gravedigger mumbled under his breath as he angrily dug up the dirt below. Hundreds of deep graves were littered around, but none were filled with the dead. Gravedigger came here when he was upset or stressed, which was more often than not as he was teased, bullied, and worst of all, flirted with.

      It all happened that morning. All of the titans were called to some dumb meeting. They didn't really do much, they'd eat a bunch of snacks, screw around, get into arguments with one another, and then everyone would go home pissed. But of course it all had to happen to him. Gravedigger wasn't surprised, he was always the butt of the joke. Even with the coming of four new titans, one of them being absolutely weak, Gravedigger was still titled as 'the most pitiful titan.'

      Pitiful whatever, he's seen almost all of them become little babies at the most littlest things. Anyways, that morning, they had another boring meeting. It was honestly going great, titans kept quiet, they ate their snacks, and no one jumped at anyone's throat. That was until he decided to chime in.

      "We have some stronger towers coming into the northern part of the Defense Demention. We need to take care of those before we can thoroughly take care of the scattered towers in the south," Void Reaver pointed out at the map. Dots littered it showing where the towers were. "I bet Gravedigger could do an excellent job on taking care of those. Those ones at the daycare," giggling broke out among the titans. Gravedigger snapped his head over at the insulter; Fallen King.

      "Says you! You-you! That one time-uh and the time- YOU DO BAD!" Gravedigger yelled over at Fallen. Fallen kicked his feet onto the table and stretched, "Whatever, pipsqueak. Mind turning it down an octive? The dogs are whining," Fallen relished in the way Gravedigger's face turned red with anger, his fists balling up as the titans laughed at him.

      "At least I don't sit around for forty waves hoping my minions will win the battle cause 'I'm so afraid the big bad towers will get me!'" Gravedigger insulted back. Ooo's filled the conference from everyone except for Void, who was patiently waiting for this to stop. Fallen put his feet down and stood up. Even without his weapon, as Void made everyone leave them by the entrance, he still looked as if he could kill anyone in this room with his bare hands.

      Gravedigger stood up as well and stretched his head towards Fallen's, not letting his height make him feel intimidated. "Then why are you so easy to knock over? Why are you so easy to defeat? You're so small, so useless. So vulnerable," Fallen practically spat in his face. "What makes you think you have the right to call yourself a titan. I could pinch you and you'd be begging for medical attention," Fallen went on.

      Gravedigger only listened, his eyes glaring into Fallen's. "So tough are we? Quite the glare you got. Is that the face you give when you go out to fight? Because when I look at you, all I see is a pathetic, weak, little good for nothing overgrown zombie. That's all you ever will be, one of those level one zombies," Fallen and Gravedigger glared at each other. Everyone watched to see what would happen next.

      Expecting a fight, they were all surprised to hear and see the beggining cries of Gravedigger, who bowed his head down to not show his face anymore. "Gravedigger, I-" Fallen reached out for him but was harshly pushed to the side as Gravedigger ran past him, running straight out of there after hastily grabbing his shovel.

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