Chapter 2: My New Pokémon

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Kat's POV
As the light faded from the Pokéball and out into the open world, a Murkrow appeared in its place. Flapping its wings to stay airborne.

"Wow!," I said amazed as I held my arm out so it can land on it, "I always wanted a Murkrow of my own!". Professor Stark just laughed, "I knew you'll enjoy him, but do remember, he is a dark and flying type Pokémon so he is weak against certain other Pokémon". I nodded, "Yes sir". Professor Stark walked over to a nearby table and grabbed a violet stripped red box before walking back towards me. It was a PokéDex. "Here, you can use this to get info on Pokémon you meet on your journey. Along with other trainers you will battle," he said while handing it to me. I happily accepted it and smiled, "Thank you so much".

I looked at my new Murkrow and he looked back at me. I just smiled, "Ready for a journey full of adventure Murkrow?". He just smiled with delight and crowed happily. I looked back at Professor Stark and gave him one last smile, "Thank you again for the Murkrow and PokéDex Professor, but now, I have to go back home and prepare for my long journey". The professor nodded, "I wish you the best of luck Kat".

Placing the pokedex in my bags front pocket, closed it shut, and ran out the labs front doors.

Running down the road, I saw many teens and young children with their Pokémon; Buneary, Shinx, Nidoran, and a Numel in most of the yards I passed by. I surprisingly saw a Kingler in only one yard but was enjoying its time in a very large pool, splashing around with a young boy.

After running back home, I immediately showed my father the Murkrow Professor Stark gave me, "I'm finally gonna be a Pokémon Trainer dad! Really following my dream!". My father just laughed happily, "I see, so then you'll be going on your journey immediately?". I nodded, "but, I can wait a day or two if you don't want me to start today". He shook his head laughing, "If you want to start today, I will let you. But you have to know what a big responsibility it is to be a Pokémon Trainer. You have to feed your Pokémon along with making them faithful towards each other. If they all don't like each other, it'll be hard for them to work together". I nodded, "I understand father, I'll be sure to make you proud".

I ran up to my room and changed from my day clothes into a mini solid red sundress, black thigh length socks, and black wedges with a silver buckle at the tip. I looked at myself in my standup Skitty decorated mirror and looked myself over. Thought for a moment then turned my head to my small collection of hats, "My outfit could look great if I tried on a hat". I tried on a few hats until I came across my solid red clothe hat with a black ribbon wrapped around it with a small bow to perfect it. I then looked at myself in the mirror and nodded in agreement toward myself, "Yup, looks good". I redid my solid black waist long hair with two strips of purple highlight in the front, combing it to be loose and flowing.

Walking down the stairs with my PokéDex in my bag, I stopped at the bottom of the staircase and looked up at my dad, "I'm heading off dad, on my journey". He turned around and smiled, "You know I'm going to miss you right Kat? But you now have a mighty Murkrow at your side, so I guess there's nothing I should worry about". I only nodded and walked out the door, with my new Murkrow by my side. My biggest dream is to become a Pokémon Master. I know with Murkrow by my side, nothing will stop us.

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