The Conundrum

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Adrenaline coursing through these veins, tunnel vision check, took a bump, snowfall; the only drug of choice to tame the voices within, unleash the chaos and have me at just the right amount of tweaked to be reckless, no fucks to give, you only live once. Win big or get the fuck outta here.

Money was the motivator, coke the insatiable lure that could never be quenched, snatch could only suffice momentarily. Let's just say I was drawn
to more than what this shitty town had to offer. . But being experimental was shun upon around here.

Narrow minded, scared twats afraid of fluidity, what they call in descent and wrong with the world I called normal day to day. Always feared what they could not, refused to understand, accept. So I became the poster child for everything wrong with the youth of the 80's.

I'm what you would refer to as "impartial". If it could get me off, I'd stick my cock in. And not to toot my horn but "toot toot!" I was fucking immaculate at sating either gender. I liked whom I liked, so I guess if you want to label me, I'm bisexual.

I learned at a young age, never get attached. Only solid advice our father taught us, use until there's nothing left and on to the next.

It's a typical Friday night, in the zone I'm awaiting the next poor fuck that comes against me. I'll have his cash, his balls and likely his cock after the race.

My mirror image; Eddie handled the cash, transactions and business aspect. All I did was drive, fuck, blow and repeat. He was the muscle, someone wouldn't pay up, fuck you, crack! Pay us! Your word meant something without it, you meant shit. Of course I wasn't just a pretty face, when needed if I had to curb stomp another fucker, well I took care of business.

my hands slung over the steering wheel of my Shelby GT500, I kept her in pristine condition. Be good to your car and they'll be good to win, there was an understanding. My usual duo partner was Gareth Emerson. But tonight, he had a last minute emergency, they were finally taking his  grandmother off life support.

Death and disappointment are a part of life, we Munsons learned that at a young age when our very own parents left us in Wayne's care, only to have him die slowly throughout the years of exposure at work to some chemicals. He left us a year ago. Now, it was just Eddie and I. He's all I had aside from Sydney my best of.

We were 5yrs old and crying together on our first day of kinder, platonically inseparable ever since. She came from money but wasn't the typically prissy, stuck up bitch! She was a tough cookie, don't mess with her or else you'll feel my wrath.

There was a rule, best friends were off limits! She was off limits to Eddie and I his; Steve Harrington, whom if I'm being fully transparent would enjoy nothing more than to explore all the freckles and moles if given the opportunity. But that's neither here nor there.

Awaiting the next poor bastards that'll be going home with empty pockets, it was either I take on a last minute partner OR lose out on 1k, I'd rather take on a partner, so all the work and get $4k in winnings.

Popping a cig between my lips, sparking it, taking a much needed long drag. When AC/DC drowned my senses with "Shook Me All Night Long", the lyrics had me aching in my pants, knowing all too well exactly who would be driving with me tonight. With a cocksure attitude I turn to catch aviators look over then back.

Pat came between the cars and made the formal introductions

"Seph, Bill! Bill! Seph! You boys I'm sure know one another by reputation but today, you'll be teaming up! Talk strategy, you have 1 minute! Good luck!"

"Hargrove! Racing together, who'd of thunk it!" he kept his focus forward, smug asshole! I happened to notice he got the mullet cut, sporting a fresh short cut, damn.. he had me pitching a tent, could he be any more fuckable, why yes.. yes he could.

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