Fuck Fortuitous

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One thing about Bill and myself, we were too similar in temperament and neither one would give up the upper hand although I was reminded that I did cry like a bitch. Which again, I completely cast blame on the blow.

So it came to no surprise this fucker wasn't coming over to hangout tonight. He had "plans" (which was the 4th time in 2 weeks) in Hargrove language meant there was some pussy he was about to pulverize. Which to be honest, didn't bother me as much no longer.

I liked the idea that I was solely the only guy that .. got to experience him. Whether kissing or touching, it was an unspoken agreement.

"Whatcha up too?" Eddie spoke as he descended the stairs, his hair in a hot pink scrunchie, he plopped his body on the couch next to me.

"Restocking the merchandise since you're too busy getting your cock sucked dry to be bothered."

"Shit! I have my priorities straight! Money! Women! Drugs! Wait! No! Women, drugs, money! No that's not right either." when Eddie was utterly baked he'd literally forget how to tie his shoes.

"Wait.. aside from restocking why're you down here? You could easily do that in the kitchen?"

"Yes perhaps I could but then I'd be hearing the loud moans and groans of Syd and Robin .. and contrary to the other males in this household, Syd moaning is not something I want to hear."

He laughed loudly, pulling the joint he had tucked in his ear into his mouth. Lighting it, he took a hit, then passed it.

"What's going on with you and Hargrove?"
Taking a drag, holding it then releasing as I speak
"What do you mean? We're friends!"

"Aha! And the times I've come down here and caught both of you with swollen red lips... is... nothing?"

I laughed, handing him back his joint, I move the items to their respective spots and count off.

" I plead the fifth!" making a zip motion over my lips then locking them.

"Mother fucker that's the problem, you can't keep your mouth to yourself! we both laughed loudly, as he took another toke he handed you the joint and bid you adieu. He was off to likely rejoin a lady friend or a new friend.

"Do me a favor though, don't pursue any further! I like the guy, he's hella fucking cool! But.. he's.. not programmed for that shit! Neither are we, but we're more open to.. the idea. Bill, that fucker will fight it."

"No worries man, I'm a big boy! And love is a disease I steer clear of."

I must've been on my 5th joint when I hear footsteps coming down. I have moments where I enjoy the comfort of my own company.

"Jojo, what're you still doing here?" Steve asked, he made his way to the bar, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Too stoned to get up, so here I lay! You? Can't sleep I see." Steve had this ritual where if he couldn't sleep, he'd have a glass of whiskey to help him catch some zzz's.

Walking over he sits beside me, taking a sip of his concoction, he sat with both legs tucked to his chest, one arm rested on the back of the couch and his attention was fully on me.

"Can I ask you somethings?"
"Shoot buttercup!" he takes another swig, as though he needed the liquid courage.

"You've kissed Bill haven't you? How does it feel? Taste?" with a chuckle I shook my head, turning my head.
"Steve.. you jelly that I kissed Bill Hargrove?"

"No I am not!"
"I'm jealous that he got to kiss you!"
"What?" I'm stoned, I heard wrong. Getting up creating space I too pour myself a glass of whiskey, but by pour myself I mean grab the bottle and chug.

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