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Barely getting any sleep, there was no point, screw it, up and at it. I changed and drove to The Purple Velvetine to call it a quits, once arriving there the ladies greeted me per usual with adoration and fondles. These girl, would always hold a special place.. on my cock.. haha..

Making my way towards the office I see the Sal the owner counting money. Knocking twice, nothing.. before clearing my throat.
"Hargrove, can't give you more hours!"

"Yeah, that won't be a problem. I.. quit! I got another job."

"What? After all I've done for you, you ungrateful son of a bitch!"

I avoided speaking any further, I still needed my check and was expecting to get paid out for my vacation I never took.

"When will my final check be ready?"
"Hmm that might be a problem, see you're breaking your contract! Breach of! So no check for you sir!"
"WHAT! Fuck you asshole!"

he quickly picks up the phone! I grunt, pinching the bridge of my nose. I NEEDED that money! I'm seething, gripping his table he squirms. He calls for me to be escorted out.

Todays not looking to be a good start to a "new" opportunity, infuriated I jump into my car, taking off towards the Munsons, where I'm expected to be Seph's .. right hand man. How in the hell would that work?

Arriving, I step out knocking on the door. No answer!
"Fucking great!"

I walk along the side to the back, they're usually always in the basement anyways! Pulling the glass door it opens. Letting myself in I turn to see Seph sleeping on the couch. I laugh to myself, he's snuggled into his blankey, one foot poking out the covers, an arm contorted and tucked like over his head covering his face partially. His curls all wild and all over the place, he looks precious.

His piece is on the glass table, as is the butterfly knife, he stirs. I was about to poke him when I realize I need to just.. steer clear of any touching. Blowing out air I walk past him and make my way upstairs.

Eddie's in the kitchen cooking, he's got a damn pink bandana tied over his head. He's in his boxers and a pink muscle tee cut off on the sides. My dude was fucking sporting a glam rock look and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Morning Bret Michaels ."

"Hey.. fuck off! I'm metal all the way man! It's laundry day!"

"So you got a fuck load of pink laying around?"

"I'm confident in what ever the fuck I lay on this body!" He laughed, finishing the eggs, asking if I was hungry?

"I don't do breakfast, but coffee I'll take." he pints towards the coffee maker, without  words expressing help myself.

"So listen, you're with us now, made you a spare set of keys! Seph and you can go get your piece and he'll show you the ropes."

"Is it wise to have me .. with him man?"

"Yup! You'll watch after him, I trust you! Keep his ass outta trouble, don't let anyone fuck with him and if they do.. well do what Billy Hargrove always does,
only now you'll get paid to do it!"

Pouring myself a cup of joe I plaster my ass once more and contemplate how exactly I fucking got here when the door to the basement opens. Seph walks up rubbing his eyes.

"Morning ladies!" he collectively greeted. Lifting a hand from the table and motioned hello. While Eddie pointed with the spatula to sit.

"Can't! Gotta shower and get ready."
"Seph! I fucking made breakfast! Sit! We gotta set some rules."

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