17 : Risk in abortion 😞

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Avneet : there is no need of it mom I am completely fine now I am feeling better than before.

A' mom : still I will be with you tonight I won't leave you alone.

Anushka : aunty you can go and sleep I will stay it Avni tonight.

Avneet : even you didn't have to bother yourself Anushka I can take care of myself, I am not a kid now.

Anushka : hmm I know, but I will stay with you any problem.

Avneet : what happened to you, why are you getting strict now?

A' dad : because she is like a elder sister and she is concerned about you.

A' mom : okay girls, you sleep here. We are going.

Her parents left.

Anushka locked the room.

Anushka : avneet, I want to talk to you something very important.

Avneet : what happen?

Anushka : I send your sample to hospital.

Avneet : so what?

Anushka : I don't know how to say it.

Avneet : anushka, now I am feeling scared, tell me clearly what happened.

Anushka : you are pregnant.

Avneet : what? No.. (She scream loudly)

Fortunately it didn't reached to her parents.

She starts crying.

Avneet : why are you doing this to me god....how can you do this to me? (Said crying).

Anushka : calm down.

Avneet : Anushka we have to find out the solution of this, I want to abort this as soon as possible. Let's go now only.

Anushka : how can I explain avneet, that you didn't even have this option left with you.

Avneet : what are you saying Anushka I am not getting it? You are the top most gynecologist of this country, you can do this for your friend, right?

Anushka : yes, but you can't handle the treatment. You have a serious medical condition about this, aunty knew it, but she told me to never tell you.

Avneet : what it is?

Anushka : you have a severe physical issue, if we try to abort this child now it contains 60 percent risk of death, over that you will never gonna be mother in your life.

Stay tuned.

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