Chapter 34: Battle For The Iron Throne!

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Sorry this took so long, like I said last Chapter, I wanted to end this my own way, so it took a while to figure out a better storyline then the show. I hope you all enjoy it because you're getting daily updates of this story till the Final Chapter! Enjoy!


Today's the day that Kenway gets his wife the thing she wants more in her life then anything thing, the Iron Throne, it's taken them a couple of weeks but they are right outside King's Landing, camped out and ready for a fight before that, Kenway has a plan to take the Capital without much effort.

Elis: You think that'll work?

Kenway and his army, along with Daenerys' are waiting around King's Landing's walls, waiting for anything, it is a little bit of a siege but they aren't going to sit by and wait because Kenway just gave them his plan to everyone around the war table.

Kenway: Yeah, I with a handful of men, row around the back, find the secret passage. Then take the Red Keep from the inside.

Daenerys stood beside Kenway, Tyrion, Varys, Grey Worm, Missandei, Elis, Duncan, Jon and Ser Davos all around the room, Aemon is behind his parents drawing something as they laid out a plan for them to take the Capital in record time.

Daenerys: Your just full of surprises.

Kenway smiled to her as the others seemed to agree with the plan, only thing is Tyrion didn't agree and still seemed adamant that waiting things out is the best option, Elis and Duncan rolled their eyes as the Imp argued his case.

Tyrion: I still believe taking the Red Keep will make you look worse then you intend. We should wait it out till Cersei surrenders.

Kenway and Daenerys looked to the Imp while he seemed to have another glass of wine his his hands, literally everyone here seemed to agree with Kenway's plan, only he didn't and Kenway can see his point but they don't have time, they need to get North to Winterfell before the Night King does.

Kenway: That won't happen, Cersei will rather die then give up power and even if she did yield, it'll take weeks, something we don't have...

Kenway rolled up the battle plans as Daenerys walked towards her son, he knows why they're here, their here to take back her home, Aemon's actually excited, all this is kinda interesting to him.

Kenway: ... We've got enough time to take it, move in then go tell the Night King to fuck himself.

Daenerys tapped him on the back of the head while indicating to Aemon, Kenway mouthed "Sorry", luckily for them he wasn't paying much attention, so Kenway got away with it, now came time to get ready for the little task at hand.

Daenerys: What's my role in this?

Kenway, Duncan, Elis and Jon are getting ready, Grey Worm has gone to fetch his best Unsullied to join them as well as a few to guard the row boat once they get there, there might not even be a secret passage there anyway, it's just a rumour in a story Kenway read a while ago.

Kenway: Just keep them distracted, as long as Cersei thinks nothing's happening, we can get to the throne room, then the bell tower without much difficulty.

Daenerys smiled to him with a nod, she was pretty pissed when she heard about the Greyjoy fleet as well as the ships Kenway sent her, then she started listening to her husband after everything he said about Tyrion's plan so far had come true, Casterly Rock was empty and an ambush for the rest of her ships, then not to mention, the attack on Highgarden, Kenway allowed Daenerys to keep the Tyrells as an ally because that as well as their coin, making Cersei pretty much defenceless, safely behind those walls.

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