Chapter 37: It's Out In The Open!

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While Kenway has gone into solitary, the North people, that are still alive, are flooding to Winterfell which was the plan for the civilians anyway, so the courtyard of Winterfell is filled with women, children and men all eaten warm stew, it seemed like the best food to make because you can get more out of fewer ingredients, that's how their going to feed all these extra mouths, it's not the best but it's better then nothing, Ser Davos was helping out at the pot giving out portions to the people, till one approached him.

Northman: My lord, we're not soldiers.

Not everyone is pleased with the King in the Norths plan for everyone to fight, although their not refusing to, their just scared and the Black Wolf is nowhere to be found right now, they need him to bring hope to them, something that's slowly slipping away.

Ser Davos: You are now.

Davos gave the man a scoop of the freshly made stew while glancing to the man, he expected him to walk away after that but instead the man stood there, clearly worried for his life and why wouldn't he be, he's never fought before in his life, now he has to against the Army of the Dead.

Ser Davos: Look, I made it through most of my years without ever getting near a fight, but then I survived the Battle for Winterfell. Right outside these walls. If I can live through that you can live through this. They'll outfit you with weapons at the forge. Right that way.

Ser Davos watched him walk away with a "thank you", two other fella's behind him, it was sad that it's come to this but they have to make sacrifices to survive, of course it's not an easy sacrifice but everyone is making the same one, everyone is risking something in this battle.

Gilly: When the time come, you'll be down in the crypts. They're the safest place to be. Through that archway right over there.

Gilly's doing her part by pointing out where the elderly, women and children who can't fight will be waiting for when the Black Wolf saves them all, the women thanked Gilly with assumingly her parents behind her, Gilly smiled to them as they passed her but before she could continue her task, she heard a young girl approached Ser Davos.

Teela: Which way should I go?

Ser Davos turned to see the young girl, no older then maybe 10 name days, holding a empty bowl towards him, he took a second to compose himself as this girl has the same birth defect as Shireen did, he loved that little girl and this girl reminds him of her.

Ser Davos: Which way do you want to go?

Gilly watched from nearby as the girl took a second to think about her answer, Ser Davos got ready to fill her bowl with the stew before the girl answered him with a very determined look in her young eyes.

Teela: All the children will be going below when the time comes. But both me brothers were soldiers. I want to fight too.

Ser Davos wasn't sure what to say, instead he took the girls bowl from her to fill with the warm food as Gilly decided to help him out, she can't fight the Walkers, she won't survive, at least in the crypts she'll have a chance, so Gilly needs to convince her.

Gilly: That's good to hear. I'm going to be in the crypt with my son, and I'd feel a lot better with you down there to protect us.

Gilly is now sitting beside the girl while trying to get her into the crypts, its admirable that she wants to fight in a fight like this but sometimes you need to survive to win the fight, in the off chance and there is a chance, that the men fall to the Night King, they'll be dead anyway, there isn't much she can do other then survive.

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