chapter 2

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same day 7 years ago...

Kade's POV

"I'm..Jasmine" she said.

wow! she's beautiful, with her brown eyes, sun kissed skin, her not so long straight brown hair, and she looks adorable with those big glasses.

"that's Jasmine, our new neighbor....and our new friend"

looks like my brother was quick to make her a friend, I'm not complaining though... me and my brother don't get along with everyone, we are picky when it comes to make someone our friend, I guess Jordan sensed something special about Jasmine, I kinda do too.

but why the hell does she looks so damn nervous?

we talked some more then she offered we get in her house and hang out with her and her brother, Theo.

she led us to his room, knocked on his door and opened it, we looked inside and he was sitting by his desk, getting mad about something on his huge computer screen.

"Theo... our new neighbors are here, I thought it would be nice if you meet them and maybe we could all hang out?" Jasmine said with her soft voice.

Theo turned his gaze to us and smiled "oh hey, yeah sure! come in I'll show you my new video games I downloaded yesterday"

we all set on his bed right behind his sit near the desk, he explained about his new game but I wasn't concentrated, no. my focus was on Jasmine, she set right between me and my brother, looking all shy and sweet, she didn't talk much which sucked, I wanted to hear more from her, to know more about her. 

I guess I'll need to give her some time to open up.

the time passes and we played some board games, watched a horror movie, Jasmine was very quiet the whole time... then we got hungry so we decided to try and make a pizza, it didn't go very well, then Jasmine offered to make some pancake too, they were delicious.

it was a great day.

Jasmine looked kinda sad when me and my brother said our goodbyes and returned our new home, it was a little bit after midnight. I can't believe we spent so much time with Jasmine and Theo.

" today was fun" Jordan said right when we reached our rooms.

"yeah I agree"

"so... you got your eyes on Jasmine huh?" Jordan asked.

"was it that noticeable?"

"no, but as your brother I know you too well" Jorden winked and got in his room.

I got in my room as well, set on the bed and started thinking about today... new house, new neighbors, new friends, Jasmine...

"hughh" I covered my face with a pillow.

why can't I stop thinking about her? her eyes, her hair, her face, her glasses? the way she looked so scared to say something wrong. the way she looked so nervous around us.

I guess I'll have to figure it out another day...

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