chapter 29

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Jasmine's POV

a few days passed and I honestly think that these were the best days I've had since I've been taken by the twins.

a few days ago I finally excepted my place here and stopped fighting. stopped hoping I might actually be free again...

every day I'm cuffed either to the bed or Jordan.

Kade still didn't come back from wherever he is.

in those few days I didn't got punched, or kicked or hit by anyone. I'm still not aloud to eat but I'll take that as a win since I'm not in a horrible pain in my whole body anymore, although my stomach hurt from not eating for so long.

I'm currently in the living room, watching a movie with Jordan. he cuffed my wrist to the chair I'm sitting on. It's not very comfortable though.

"um.. Jordan..?" I whispered, not wanting to raise my voice and sound disrespectful.

he didn't answer.

I cleared my throat. "sir..?"

"what do you want?" he finally answered, sounded impatient and didn't even make a move to look at me.

"I um.. c-can I maybe sit on the couch..?" I asked and he moved his gaze from the screen to glare  at me. "p-please?"

after a few seconds he looked back at the screen and answered. "no"

"b-but please sir I-... my back really hurts.." I asked again.

he didn't bother to answer and I tried again.


"shut up Jasmine" he cut me off by saying these three words, again, not even looking at me, remaining calm and deadly.

I just gave up and stayed quiet for the rest of the movie.

when the movie finally ended, Jordan turned off the TV and turned to look at me.

"now listen," he looked me in the eyes "I need to go and talk to a friend of mine about some business, you're coming with me and I don't need to remind you not to try anything, right?"

"right..." I nodded.

he got up and walked towards me. "go get ready" he said after unlocking the cuffs.

with that I ran to the bedroom and changed into some jeans I found in the closet and a white sweater.

I got back to the living room and found Jordan waiting for me on the couch. when he saw me he motioned for me to come with him.

we got out of the house and he opened the car door for me. then he got in the car and started driving.

while we drove through the city, I looked at the view through the window and remembered the times when I could walk in the streets by myself. and be free.

we drove for about forty minutes, then Jordan parked the car in front of what looked like a big werehouse, and he told me to get out of the car right when he did.

he was on my side even before I was fully out of the car. he got closer to me and grabbed my wrist. "this friend of mine is very important to me, don't do anything that will embarrass me or ruin the meeting"

I just nodded and he started walking. he was still holding my hand.

there was two big glass sliding doors on the front, and we got inside, I realized it wasn't just a werehouse, it was a huge store of building and renovation supplies.

we walked to the back and farthest zone of the store and we got to an office door.

Jordan knocked and opened the door. inside there was someone sitting behind a desk. he looked around his 50's, with a grey bis mustache and what looked like a very old glasses.

he looked up to us and a big smile appeared on his face.

"Jordan!" he said, excitedly.

"how are you Brandy?" Jordan asked while he shook Brandy's hand.

"oh you know, nothing new here." he replied and his eyes fell on me. "and who's that?" 

I looked at Jordan for approval, and when he gave me a tiny nod I answered. "h-hi.. I'm Jasmine"

"hi Jasmine" said a voice from behind me.

I turned around and there was another guy that looked like a younger version of Brandy.

Jordan turned around too, and he smiled. "Gerald".

they both shared a laugh and did this weird 'bro hug'.

"what's up with you man? I didn't see you in years" Gerald said to Jordan.

"I know man I know, I've been very busy, it was a hard time for us." Jordan said and they continued to talk for a while. I stopped listening to them and zoned out for a bit until Gerald started talking about me.

"so what does Jasmine doing with you here?" he asked Jordan and looked at me up and down, I felt like he's stripping me with his eyes and felt disgusted.

"she's on my watch" Jordan replied. "she saw something she shouldn't have and... you know how it is..."

"oh I see" Gerald said. "well you shouldn't worry, we have cameras here everywhere, she can walk around the store while you and pop's talk"

Jordan thought about it for a minute and then nodded. "alright you can walk around, but remember not to try anything" he warned.

I nodded so fast from the excitement and walked out of the office so Jordan can talk to Brandy and Gerald.

I walked through the long halls and looked around.

there weren't a lot of people here, only three or four families and a few men.

I walked around by myself for an hour or so and I got kind of bored, but I'm still happy I could go and have some time alone, and far from Jordan.

I round the corner and bumped into someone.

"well hello to you Jasmine"



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