chapter 11

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Jasmine's POV

"come on Jasmine, they are downstairs waiting to meet you" my mom said to me.

I follow her, and when we got to the living room, there was two men facing away from me.

"who are-" I was about to ask when they turned around and I saw their faces.

Kade and Jordan was standing in front of me. with blood all over their faces.

"w- what are you doing here?" I asked.

and with that Kade stepped towards me, and when he got close enough he raised his hand and punched me-

I jumped out of my sleep, and set up.

that was just a dream.

I let my body fall on the matters again. and that's when my eyes looked around and I realized I'm not in my room.

my eye widened and I got up quickly, and then I noticed I was cuffed.

that was when everything from last night hit me.

I remembered Kade and Jordan.

they killed their father. and then kidnapped me after tying me up and hitting my face.

I have to get the hell out of here.

I marched to the door and tried to open it.

 it was unlocked!

I stepped carefully out of the room and saw a long hallway ahead of me, and stairs at the end of it.

I didn't think much of it and started walking through it and down the stairs.

when I got to the bottom of it, there was a living room right in front it, and then I heard Kade's voice.

"ok, you told him, so? what did he say?" he said

"he wants to see her." Jordan's voice joined. 

"what? when?" Kade asked.

"in a few days, he wants to give her some time" Jordan replied like he couldn't give a shit about whatever he was talking about.

that was when both of them walked trough the living room and they both spotted me.

"look brother, the princess woke up" Jordan said to his brother.

"how are you this morning Jasmine?" Kade asked me.

that's when I got angry.

"h- how am I? last night I witnessed a murder and got kidnapped, and I just woke up in a stranger's bed cuffed and fucking terrified." I yelled at the twins.

"ooh no, don't call us strangers now" Kade said with a mocking voice "we used to be besties, don't you remember?"

"I don't know you anymore. you and Jordan are strangers to me" I spat, trying not to stutter, and show my fear.

"so as strangers you should stop calling us by our names. we're not your friends who you can call  whatever you want." Jordan snapped.

"huh?" I asked confused.

"we're not your friends Jasmine. from now on you address me and Jordan as 'sir' " Kade said "understood?"

"s-sir? what? no, i'm n-not gonna call you that!" I said angrily 

"wanna find out what will happen if you wont do as we say and disrespect us?" Jordan spat as he started to get closer to me.

I got scared and with each step he took forward I took a step backwards, until my back hit the wall and he came closer to me. towering over me.

with that he whispered in my ear "come on. dare to try me."

I was petrified at this point.

"J-Jordan stop I-" before I could finish that sentence, Jordan's fist came down my face.

the hard punch knocked me to the floor, and I fell on my side.

my head was spinning and my vision got blurry.

without even noticing I started crying .

I looked up to Kade, and saw no emotion on his face.

how could he be so careless about me?

"get up" Jordan suddenly said.

I started to move, but when I wasn't fast enough Jordan gripped my arms tight. so tight that I'm sure it will leave a mark.

when I got back on my feet he got close to my face and asked " wanna try to address me correctly this time?" 


"if your answer will be negative you're gonna feel the same pain on the other side of your face, so think twice before you answer" he continued.

the answer is still no.


"yes what?" he asked. mockingly.

he wanted me to feel humiliated. he wanted me to cooperate with their shit .


then he lifted his hand again, and I flinched.

but this time I didn't feel a punch. he was caressing my head.

"now that wasn't so hard" he said "was it?"

I didn't answer.

my only focus was on Kade's face, who were still emotionless.

wait, no.

there is something that he's doing now.

he's smirking.

what the fuck?

I suddenly felt my hair being pulled back hard.

"I asked you a fucking question Jasmine" Jordan spat to my face


"try again" his grip on my hair got tighter.

"n-no sir" I finally gave him what he wanted, with shaky voice and teary eyes .

" that's better" he said. releasing my hair.

"are you hungry Jasmine?" Kade suddenly spoke.

I just nodded when I suddenly felt my tummy grumbling .

"alright, come here" I was hesitant at first but remembered to do as they said for now. when I got closer to him he pulled out a key from his pocket and uncuffed me. he then told me to follow him and I was quick to get away form Jordan and do as he said.

he led me to their kitchen and told me to sit down on one of the chairs by the island.

I sat and he said that all he can offer me for now is cereal.

I agreed and thanked him, and ate quietly.

he watched me the whole time.

when I finished he started saying "now I can talk to you about the rules"

I coughed "r-rules?" 

"yes rules. number one is always obey me and Jordan" he started " number two is never ever try to run from us, we will always find you and you'll regret trying to escape because you won't like the punishments that will wait for you when we'll get you back." he continued "and number three, always ask us before you think of doing something . you want to go the bathroom? ask. you want to go up to bed? ask. you want to eat? ask. was I clear?"

by the time he finished my eyes were wide and I was shaking.

what the hell are all these stupid rules? why would I listen to them? why wouldn't I try to escape this fucking prison? and why the hell would I ask them before I do anything I want?

this is crazy!

"hmm hm" he caught back my attention "was. i. clear?"

ill just give them what they want for now and when they will trust me enough ill run away from them.

"yes sir"


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