chapter 22

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Jasmine's POV

"hi little sis"

what is Theo doing here?

"what's on your face?" he asked with a disgusted look on his face.

I looked down to my lap and didn't say anything.

i'm not gonna embarrass myself by telling him that Jordan beat the shit out of me- in front of Jordan.

he's standing right in front of me, its the first time I've seen him since last night, since the countless punches he threw at me, and I'm kinda nervous.

when nobody answered he sighed and just left that. "alright never mind, Jasmine go pack some clothes" he said.

"w-what?" my head snapped up. "what for?"

"you'll stay with me for a few days"

"b-but why-"

"just go pack your shit" I got cut off by Jordan snapping at me.

with that I got up immediately and ran upstairs.

when I got to the room I saw a small suitcase and staffed inside a few t-shirts and pants, along with underwear and my shoes.

when I finished I took my suitcase downstairs and saw Theo waiting for me by the front door.

he mentioned me to come by nodding his head, and I followed.

he took my suitcase and led my out of the door after saying goodbye to the twins.

I stood quietly in the elevator while he was texting on his phone.

we got to the car and when I sat inside, almost immediately he locked all the doors.

he started driving and I got very confused.

why is he taking me?

where does he taking me?

what the hell is going on?

"where are we going?" I finally asked.

he looked at me and smirked, then turned his gaze back to the road. "just to my house little sis"

"don't call me that, and why?" I spat, "why are we going there?"

"because that's where I live" he gave me a look that made me feel stupid.

"why am I going there with you?" 

he ignored my question and smirked. "how was last night?" he asked mockingly.

he knows.

he also knew what happened to my face, he just wanted to make fun of me.

when I looked down and didn't answer I he let out a laugh and continue driving.

the rest of the ride was quiet, and after about 30 minutes we got to a building.

he parked in the underground parking lot and told me to get out of the car.

we got inside the building and to the elevator.

he pressed on the highest floor button.

when we got out of the elevator he led me to the only door that was in this floor.

he opened the door and wow!

that's an even bigger apartment then the twins have.

this penthouse was huge, the walls were made of glass and the view out of the huge living room  pointed to the whole city.

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