Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Him who?" I gulp my coffee and try to play it cool.

But I know her. I know her too well to know she won't let it fly over. She won't let it pass. She will wring me like she's trying to sap every juice from grapes to make one of her homemade wines.

A shame she won't be getting any liquid from me. I'm dried.

How am I supposed to tell her that I will be going to an adult show with Gabriele? Then to make it worse Geal approves of it. Yes he is my bodyguard and I can go everywhere with him, but indicating it on the card makes it suspicious. And now saying it after it has been indicated makes it worse. Then attempting to say the truth is another thing entirely that is never going to happen.

We won't be doing anything, at least not at Seductora. It's just a guise to meet with Gael. This period is very sensitive and we are trying to play it cool.

"The cat got your tongue, Heaven?" She scowls.

Gabriele starts walking to my office door and I feel like someone stuck a rod in my ass hole. I feel stiff to my bones.

"It's not a big..." I stutter, my blinking eyes on him.

He backs away and dips his hands into the pocket of his black jeans to pull out his phone.

Perfect timing.

He takes the phone to his ear and walks away to the elevator.

I let out a breath that I have been holding for way too long it was beginning to choke me.

Helena chuckles.

"It's him right?" I turn to her as she questions with both her words and eyes.

"Him what?" I down my coffee as a distraction. I will deny this to my grave which is only a few days from now.

"You are taking Gabriele to the adult show today right?"

Shoot me. Like seriously, shoot me now.

How do I take control of this situation? How do I start to explain in a way that doesn't give anything away or make me make a fool of myself?

"Helena it's not..." my word bank goes bankrupt and I wish it was a physical property owned by me, I would immediately shut down the business for being so unreliable anytime I need it.

She lifts a hand in mid-air to stop me. "I am not a kid anymore Heaven, what is the big deal in telling me that you will be taking your bodyguard with you and that Gael wanted to let you know he gives his consent since Gabriele is new and all?" She sounds hurt but this direction is good.

I sigh, playing along. I detest acting. The torture I went through as a kid every Christmas when it was time to act as the mother of Jesus Christ during the family charity gala just to show the world that we can mix up with other children is not something to forget.

I wanted to be the star the wise men would see, something invisible. But my mother always thought being Mary was a better show.

"It's not that Lena," I say and drop my empty coffee cup.

"I know you like to protect me but I am not a kid anymore, I am a woman capable of taking care of myself and my emotions, I mean it's not like you will be fucking the guy or something" she grumbles.

Only if the world can see Helena Gate at this moment. No tough shit up, just a kid sister playing the spoiled brat.

I shake my head, "of course not, I won't, why would I be..." I nod, stuttering. I shake my head. "I didn't want to hurt you or give you ideas" which is not a lie but not a direct truth either.

"I trust you, you're the most disciplined person I know, hell I wish I have just a fraction of your discipline sometimes" whoever is holding the gun to shoot me is taking too long pulling the fucking trigger.

I feel awful. I feel undeserving of this love and admiration she has for me. I've always known she had that, but now I don't think I deserve them.

"I am sorry," I swallow a lump of guilt.

"Not believing I am capable of taking care of myself is disappointing, Javier was just a stupid crush and it's not the same with Gabriele and you" she huffs.

Yeah. That part. She had a strong crush on Javier as a kid and she sent an embarrassing photo of me crying in a swimsuit to the whole school as some sick revenge.

She outgrew it like my mama said she would. But here we are again. I mean I don't have a crush on Gabriele or something. It's nothing like that. I don't even know what it is with the guy.

Does he still get under my skin? Yes.

"It's not the same with Javier, I don't have a crush or anything like that on Gabriele" I lean into my seat and close my eyes as my head falls back. "he's... well he's just a tool, nothing more" I exhale and sit back up. "He's a tool..." my tongue stays trapped on its way to deliver the L.

Fuck me.

What is he doing here? Why the fuck now? And someone tell me why I feel like gobbling my words back and erasing this moment with the way his upper lips are slightly curved to show irritation? The first actual human expression I am getting from him. Gabriele. The person I just outrightly called a tool is standing in my office.

"A tool to you, not me, he's more" Helena smiles at him and stands, throwing the bouquet on the couch. "See you around Gabs" Gabs?

He grunts, meaning he hates the name. But she doesn't take note as she walks out. The fucked up thing is I took note. I know that particular grunt, it's not the same as when he is turned on. It's spiky, almost like he's in physical pain.

"Gabriele, I didn't mean it like that" he nods and gives the stupid spiky grunt.

I don't know if it's my response or me he hates. Most likely me.

Last night I was riding his mouth and today I just called him a tool. Putting last night and right now in the same context, it looks like that's what he is to me. Nothing but a tool for me to use.

What does a girl have to give to have teleportation as a super power around here?

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