🌟1: "I get saved by a good-looking knight?!"🎈

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"Saki... where are you?"

He barely had time to ponder when he was alerted. "Tenma, assassin and dragon sightings near Wonderland Mountains. That's your post, right? Think you can handle it alone?"

He grumbles and gets out of bed, his chances of actually getting a good night sleep gone. "Hey what's wrong, fun guy? You're usually so eager to work." the grandmaster scratched his head.

Tsukasa was an idiot who made rash decisions, he admits, but even he knows that handling a possible dragon and rebel alone was dangerous even for him. "Can't I bring one more person with me?" he asked. The grandmaster sighed.

"Look, kid, I know it's risky for you to go alone but the rebels are more active lately. Cadet Kagamine even lost the kingdom's banana supply to a couple rebels. And besides, it's just a possible sighting, I mean it was reported by some drunk bloke who ran into the forest." he grabbed Tsukasa into a headlock and ruffled his hair. "Hah! And who knows, you might find your sister out there!"

Right. As if he didn't already check that area a million times already.


"Shit shit shit shit!!!!"

Rui hid behind a tree. He knew Wonderland Mountains was full of dragons but he didn't expect one to be this close to the forest. Now the damn lizard was on his tail!

He's a mage, sure. He has killed hundreds of big burly men twice his physical strenght, yes. But he was no dragon whisperer. He'd be turned into an extra smokey Rui-flavored barbeque if he dared to face that creature!

When the trees rustled, he knew he was screwed.


"Remember, Kamishiro. With Aoyagi's skills as a dragon tamer, he's bound to be somewhere infested with dragons. Those things know how to identify intruders by scent and you hardly smell friendly at all." he was warned. "I submit you know not to underestimate those creatures?"

The dragon found him. Rui was agile enough to dodge the dragon. He can't fight that thing, it'll get even angrier!


Tsukasa was walking through the forest, humming to himself. "Maybe it was just a hallucination from a drunk guy." he sighed. "My beauty sleep! Wasted! Gone down the drain!" he growled angrily, albeit dramatically, as he turned on his heel about to go back to the path to the kingdom.

He heard a growl. Damn, he was hungry and tired? Must not be his lucky day.


Wait a minute that's not what an empty stomach sounds like! He looks and sees a dragon attacking something. It could possibly be a civillian!


Rui tries his best to fend off the dragon. It was quite comedic, in all honesty. Just some random teenager fighting a flying lizard on drugs which is fifteen times his size, spells flying everywhere, and his protection charms constantly breaking under the dragon's mighty wrath. At one point he tried to make a decoy as a ditch attempt but it just upset the beast even more.

The sound of running could be heard. Number one, what kind of idiot other than Rui himself would go to the forest at nine o'clock?! Number two, he was now cornered.

"Oh hell no. I'm gonna die ugly and unaccomplished." he thought, watching as the dragon raised its claw. But instead of being crushed, he heard the clink of metal.

He opened his eyes and saw quite possibly the most attractive guy he's ever seen, even though he only saw this person's back. "Did I die and go to heaven? Is this my guardian angel?" he thought.

He heard the man yell out gibbrish. From what he remembered from working with Toya, that was the language of the dragons. So this guy was a dragon tamer.

The great beast lowered its head, and his savior stroked it's scales, before it flew off. "Hm... she just wanted to play." he laughed.

"Thank you-" Rui was cut off when this stranger pointed his sword at Rui's throat. He took a good look at the guy.

The moon casted a shadow over his face, and he had a fierce look in his eyes. Yet at the same time, Rui could see a hint of hesitation. The evening breeze and wind from the take-off of the dragon made his grand cape flow in the air. This man wasn't just handsome, he was drop dead gorgeous. He didn't know whether he should fear for his life or find this mildly attractive.

Wait! No! He was a knight! That was Rui's enemy!


A KNIGHT?! Was he gonna get arrested?!

He locked eyes with Rui, and he lowered his weapon. "Leave now before I change my mind."

Well that was unexpected. "Trust me, that dragon would be far more merciful than the executioners."

Rui ran.

Why did that knight spare him?


"He doesn't remember, huh?" Tsukasa mutters to himself watching the rebel retreat into the forest. Was this risky? Yes. But he couldn't bring himself to turning the sorcerer in. Not now.


A deranged sorcerer's guide to (NOT) fall in love with a knight!Where stories live. Discover now