🌟5: "So... friends?"🎈

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"Hey wait!" Rui called out. Tsukasa stopped in his tracks. "What? I'm kinda on patrol."

"Erm. I was thinking, how would you like to be acquainted?" Rui asked. Tsukasa raised an eyebrow. "I do not have any desires to collude with the rebels." he declined, sneezing. The sorcerer sighed. "No, not like that! I mean as friends, you and I! You're a really interesting individual! And I can tell that you're the strong type! Just by looking at your sword techniques alone."

Tsukasa blinked a couple times. "Flattered, but how could you tell? We've only met just several days ago and I do not remember dueling with anyone."

Oh. Well Rui did not think that through. While he thought about his blunder, he didn't realize Tsukasa's lips curl into a smirk. He hasn't seen Rui in person for a while, might as well get his revenge by toying with him a little bit.

"Dear heavens, don't tell me you've been stalking me!" he pretended to gasp, leaning against a tree. Rui's eyes widened. "Ah," he'd been caught.

"You think I'd wanna be friends with my stalker?! Oh! The nerve!" he feigned offense. He paused and laughed lightly. Rui felt his heart skip a beat at the face he made. Compared to when they first met, this expression was gentler, more fond. As if he was simply reuniting with an old comrade.

"I'm just messing with you." he waved his hand. He walked next to Rui and patted his shoulder [although he had to stand at the tips of his toes to reach them]. "You're an entertaining guy, Rui! I'd love to be your friend!"


Well that was easier than he expected.

"Wait how did you know my name?" Rui asked, realizing he hadn't introduced himself yet. "Well, you're kind of an outlaw, so naturally your name would show up in records."

Tsukasa put his hands on his hips. "But enough of that! You're not here as a member of the Imperial Soldiers, nor am I here as a knight. Since we're friends now, surely we should just see each other as just everyday citizens, hm?"

This guy has a very interesting outlook on friendships. Something tells Rui his idea is gonna be a lot trickier than he thought.

A deranged sorcerer's guide to (NOT) fall in love with a knight!Where stories live. Discover now