bro what (fluff)

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"izuku falls asleep in bakugo's lap and bakugo has a conversation with someone else while stroking izuku's hair as if they were a sleeping cat." 

I thought this prompt was so silly like imagine people don't know you're in a relationship and your partner falls asleep on you and everyone expects you to throw them off but you just let them sleep and everyone just stares at you as if you need an exorcism. 

This will be set in their second year at UA in the common room, class 2-A has regular movie nights and I will not be proven otherwise you can fight me on that. 

word count: 527


    It only took him a couple of seconds to realize that his partner fell asleep on him, see usually this wouldn't be a problem other than the fact that both of them are in the common room. With their classmates/friends who haven't been told that they're in a relationship, they also think that they hate each other's guts. See bakugo thought about all of those things but then decided to just let Izuku sleep knowing that he's been overworking himself with training again. 

  "Bakubro do you want me to go get you and midobro some popc- yo what." Kiri looked at bakugo as if his friend had been completely replaced with a stranger. Bakugo in question was running his fingers through Izuku's hair as he slept. "Uhm, well I uh" Bakugo couldn't think of an excuse fast enough, within the minute Kiri realized soon the whole class was looking over at them. "MY OTP!" Mina whisper yelled throwing her fists into the air. 

  Jiro sighed and handed Kiri and Kaminari both a 20-dollar bill. "What the fuck did you guys bet on," Bakugo said rather calmly which honestly was one of the most terrifying moments the class had witnessed and they have been subject to many villain attacks. "We may or may not have bet on if you and Midoriya were in a relationship or not" Kaminari explained rather sheepishly. "WE AREN'T DATING DUNCEFACE." Bakugo whisper-yelled glaring daggers across the room. Thank god Izuku was keeping him down or else kami might be 6 feet under. 

  "Are you sure, you barely let anyone touch you let alone fall asleep on you?" Mina so thankfully pointed out taking full advantage of the fact that bakugo won't move and took a couple of photos with her phone. Todoroki just gave Iida a look both of them already know about the other's relationship, they had played Truth or Dare with Midoryia and whenever he got dared to kiss Todoroki he said he couldn't because he had a partner, and then Ochaco scrambled to figure out who it was. 

  "Anyway's bye losers I'm taking the nerd to bed," Bakugo said carefully picking Izuku up without waking him up as if he'd done this a million times. Which isn't entirely wrong he's done it plenty of times but usually, they're in one of their dorms on the couches. As he left everyone just looked at each other in disbelief,  "was that actually bakugo, or did Toga break in again?" Momo asked looking slightly dazed. 


Another silly little story is finished! Rmember to take care of yourself and that you matter! <3

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