twenty four: ﹙darkness, soul, embrace﹚

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darkness, soul, embrace

CHAPTER        TWENTY-FOUR !darkness, soul, embrace

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Four missed calls from Foggy.

Seven missed calls from Leah.

She didn't want to go out as the Night Angel not wanting to risk meeting up with Matt. Y/n didn't know why she had let him get away, without putting up a fight.

The love she had resting inside of her, burdened her soul and wounded her sorrows. Stopped her from killing Matt at the moment, she didn't want to be left by anyone and usually people who threaten or do anything to her end up dead yet he was fine.

The day had hit long, early in the morning.

Standing in a closed bakery something had happened down the street for cops to have passed the place at high speed setting off the alarm. So she had been in the bakery since five in the morning; sitting in a chair, with the television on.

Flipping throw stations, sunglasses rested on her face covering a hangover. Wearing an oversized grey hoodie, and jeans. The feeling of nothing rested in her stomach not wanting to do anything or dress like there was a need.

She felt as if beautiful shall not be found in her, at the moment. Inside her chest, was a mangled balloon that deflated. No heartbreak had ever hurt her more than this one, at the moment. Matt's claws draw blood, that's how hard he loved her.

All of the blinds of the bakery were down since it was closed, and there was a crime scene not so far around the corner multiple people were found almost starved to death, the police said it was a weird cult-like room.

She heard over the scanners, that Frank Castle could be behind it. Meaning he was out there somewhere; somehow getting out of jail.

Coffee rested in the palms of her head, "Police report all gunfire, let out at the supreme court this morning" The news women, had noted; Y/n placed the coffee down not thinking too much about it. "One dead, Reyes the head of the Frank Castle v the people trial, "

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