Chapter 2 💫

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"Then what happened!!?." Your best friend Sora squealed out. You were sitting in the break room at work, filling her in on the weekend adventures with the wing hero.

"Well, after you ditched me at the bar," you playfully rolled your eyes
"We kept drinking and talking about everything and anything.. it felt so natural and right."

"And.." your friend egged on

"And we made love! It was so magical and breathtaking."

Sora cheered out loud, earning some unwanted looks from your other co-workers

"Sora, keep it down. I don't want everyone to know my business!" you angrily whispered to her

"My bad, my bestie lost her virginity to a hero. I can't help but be excited," she squealed

You let out a chuckle. You appreciate Sora's energy.
"Anyway, he didn't stick around."

"What do you mean?"

"When I came back from getting him breakfast, he was gone.. I think he had hero work to do. It was around the time Endeavor had a big fight with that creature-looking thing."

"Oh, the Nomu... well, did he at least leave his number?" Sora asked

You shook your head no

"Damn! Now we got to get you all together again! We can return to the club he was at or his favorite restaurant!! It's a chicken spot; we can go a few times to see if he's there."

"Okay, I guess, I just don't want to be a stalker... what if he doesn't feel the same," you say

"Nonsense! What happened the other night was fate. I promise you he does!"

Later that day, you and Sora went to Keigos' favorite restaurant.

He wasn't there

Then you both went to the club you met him at

He wasn't there

After trying five times, you were ready to give up.

"Come on, y/n, let's go to the restaurant one more time."Sora wined out

"No, Sora, let's give it a rest; we've been at this for two weeks now. I need a break, and so do my finances." You huffed out

"Fine." Sora slumped back into her office chair and continued with her work for the day

You turned back to the computer, sending emails and scanning paperwork to fax. You worked at the local hospital in the claims department. Your quirk included healing others with water, but you could only heal minor cuts and bruises, nothing major. You help out at UA sometimes to give recovery girl a break, but honestly, you throw up at the sight of blood, so you decide to work in the claims department.

"Hey, Sora, I'll be right back. My stomach is killing me."

The only thing you had was a chicken salad today. Your tummy has been upset the past week.

Going to the restroom, you locked the stall door. You felt nauseous and dizzy. Taking in slow breaths, you decided to google your symptoms.



Those were the only things that came up in the search. You hoped it wasn't cancer but pregnancy... you began to lose control of your breathing.

Shit, I need to get to Sora, you thought

Quickly washing your hands and wiping your phone clean of bathroom germs, you returned to your cubical.

"Psst Sora.. I think I'm pregnant."

"What!" She stood up and shouted. Everyone in the office turned around and looked

"Be quiet!! I need us to run to the convince store up the street for a test." You loudly whispered.

Sora nodded her head in agreement. She clocked out and grabbed her purse. You did the same and went to the elevators with a soda to help your tummy ache.


"Hey, whatever the results are, I'm here for you, okay?" Your best friend said sympathetically
You gave her a weak smile and went into the stall.

Following the instructions, you took two different brands of the test. Afterward, you set them on a paper towel and wash your hands.

"Okay, now we wait." Sora reaches her hand out to yours to hold it.

After what felt like an eternity, the 2 mins finally went by...

"What does it say." You couldn't look for yourself; you felt too nervous

"Welp babe, you having a baby." with a soft smile Sora looked at you

You looked Sora in her eyes and began to cry. She pulls you into a tight hug. Blame the hormones, but you were an emotional wreck.

You couldn't even get ahold of the Keigo to talk to him. Now you have to worry about telling him his your baby's father.

Oh boy.


Hawks was perched on the building across the street from a night.

He flew down and made his way into the small bar

A few patrons lingered around, and some were on the dance floor.

Hawks knew he should come back to the bar and not to the hotel since this place was the last clear memory before everything was blurry.

"Hey, can I talk to your bartender from Saturday?" The wing hero asked sternly to the bartender

"Of course! Yo Larry, there's a hero up here for ya!" The bartender yelled

"Damn, can a guy go take a pis-"
The guy was finishing tucking his shirt in when he locked eyes with Hawks
"SHIT!" He took off running, trying to make it to the back door.
Hawks grabbed him by his shirt collar and dragged him out back. Pushing him against the wall next to the dumpster, Hawks held the man up against the wall with his feet dangling above the ground.

"That night, what did you do to me?" Hawks growled

"I don't know what your talking-" Hawks started to grip him tighter.
"Okay, okay, I didn't put anything in your drink; it was my q-quirk, I s-swear." Larry coughs out.

"What do you mean your quirk" Hawks tilted his head to the side

"My quirk is Sensory!  My sweat can take away someone vison if you injest or touch my body fluids ... gives people a blurry effect. If I sweat too much, it comes off! I'm sorry, man, the AC was broken, and I was burning up making everyone drinks, and my sweat must of got in your drink !."

Hawks almost gagged, knowing he drank someone else's.. he dropped Larry to the ground and began walking back into the club to check the cameras. To understand why his memory was blurry made him feel some peace, but the feeling of you made him feel empty and feral... he needed to find you...

"Sorry, my man, our cameras stopped working months ago. I really need to get them replaced.." the Manger trailed off. None of the bartenders remember you either due to how busy it was. Hawks' next stop was the hotel.

Unfortunately, they don't have cameras facing the lobby or rooms due to privacy.

"Damn, why did her I take her to a private hero hotel." Hawks cursed out while flying back home for yet again another unsuccessful night.

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