Chapter 6 💫

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As the weeks passed, you and Keigo had a pretty solid routine. You would drop Kotaro off at daycare, and Kiego would pick him up to spend the afternoon with him. Things were going well. Even with the press, Keigo could keep you and Kotaro out of the media. There have been lots of family dinners, bedtime stories, and forts made between the boys. Things got less awkward with you and Keigo. He proved himself and made you want to make things official between you. Since your love for him grew.

Today he wanted you all to go to the park for flying lessons. He said since Kotaro is almost four, he will be ready for some training.

"Mommy, look at me. I'm flying," Kotaro cheered

"Be careful, baby! Make sure you listen to your-"

"Ouch!" Kotaro flew into the tree branches and landed on his butt at the bottom of the trunk. Hawks flew over to him, brushing off the leaves. You rushed over with your water bottle, ready to use your quirk.

Kneeling next to Kotaro, you examine the minor wounds on his elbows. "Are you okay, baby?" You asked as you activated your quirk. "Yeah, I'm okay." Kotaro sniffled. You use the water from the water bottle to heal his wounds. "I'm so proud of you, kid! You were flying higher than I was at your age." Keigo patted Kotaro back.

You smiled at Keigo as you waited for the wounds the heal. You were happy to say that Keigo has been an excellent father to Kotaro. Patient, kind, and loving are all the things Kotaro deserves. "There you go, all fixed up. I'm so proud of you. Your turning into a big boy now." You pulled Kotaro into a hug and kissed his head.

Click Click

You and Keigo turn your heads across the park to a small bush where you can see paparazzi taking photos of your family.

"That's enough flying lessons for today. Let's go home." Keigo sighs. He didn't care for the media when it came to you and Kotaro.

He would prefer to keep his family out of the limelight as much as possible. Kotara was going to throw a fit, but he saw the camera guy and gave him a mean face.

"I don't like the camera, guys, daddy. They ruin family time!" Kotara pouts. You and Kiego had several conversations with him about why you guys can't be out in public as much. He started to get used to it. As long as he was with you both, he didn't care. He

Keigo quickly called his assistant so they could handle the situation as you packed up the things to leave. You guys decided to walk since it was such a lovely day and the park wasn't far from the house, with Kotaro skipping in front of you, swinging his plushie side to side. Kiego leans over and whispers.

"You know, beautiful, I've been thinking, what if you and the little guy move in with me? We have more privacy at the hero park by my place, and it's close to your job, so you don't have to take the bus anymore." You knew Keigo would eventually ask. He already had a nice size room for Kotaro, all decorated with his favorite heroes. The only thing you worry about is where you will sleep. "And before you say no, I have an extra bedroom made last week so you can have your own space and personal bathroom," Keigo assures

"When you put it like that... I can't refuse and it will be better for Kotaro to be in a safer neighborhood," you exclaimed.

"Perfect! I can help start packing' Keigo kissed your cheek and ran up to Kotaro and put him on his shoulders

"We'll race you! The last one to the house is a rotten chicken." Kiego joked. He didn't even count down. He took off with Kotaro. You laugh internally as you chase them. Kiego purposely didn't run at full speed so you could have some chance, but of course, you lost.

Keigo set Kotaro up in the living room as you began making dinner. "Hey, babe, what's for dinner?" Keigo asks. "Im thinking spicy chicken curry?" You say, looking in the fridge at the ingredients you had. Keigo always made sure the fridge was stacked with fresh foods.

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