Chapter 3 💫

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With a loud sigh, you sat in your small two-bedroom home with Sora. You were eating chicken, veggies, and ice cream. You felt weird that you kept craving chicken, but you just went with the flow of your hormones.

"What's the plan here?" Sora said in between bites

"I need to get in contact with him. Maybe I can schedule an appointment to see him at his agency?" You started to think about your possibilities

"This is an emergency; he has the right to know."

"Agreed, we can go up there before work on Monday," Sora says

"Let's clear your second bedroom out to prep for the baby! Or maybe daddy Hawks will buy us a new house." She yelled out

"Uh, Sora, who is this we?" You Jokingly said to yourself, an enthusiastic best friend.

Later that night, Hawks sat on the roof across the street from the bar scoping out a potential woman who could be his mystery woman.

"Any luck, boss?" Tokoyami sat down next to Hawks

"No, I haven't..." it's been several weeks, and Hawks still hasn't met his mystery woman, and he wasn't a step closer to finding you.

"Boss, I hate to interrupt, but we have trouble downtown again."

"Alright, let's go." Hawks took one last look before flying off. If he would of stay just one more second, he would have seen you and Sora make your way into the bar.

You were sitting in a booth sipping on the water. You watched as Sora danced with random strangers. You were thankful your symptoms weren't so bad today.

"Did you see that cutie I danced with!?" You nodded yes but kept your eyes glued to the door. Hoping for s miracle

"He'll come! When he does, we won't miss him either." Sora exclaim

It was now 1 am, and you were exhausted.

"Listen, Sora. I'm sure he's not coming. Can we please head home? My feet hurt. You whined

"Yeah, there ain't any more cities to dance with anymore she pouted.

On your way out the door, Sora waves down a taxi to take yall home. Just as the cab pulled off, Hawks flew back into the building across the club to watch a little bit.

A few months have gone by, and you didn't have any luck getting in contact with Keigo. You did make an appointment to meet him at his agency. When you and Sora went to the agency, the rude receptionist said you needed an appointment. Therefore you made one with her. Today was finally the day you would meet Keigo after months of waiting.

"You ready Sora asked you as you approached the building

"As ready as I'll ever be you shrugged. Walking inside, you gently place your hand over your stomach. You were barely showing, but your stomach was pretty brutal.

"Excuse me. I have an appointment with Hawks." The rude receptionist lady from last time looked you up and down and rolled her eyes. "What's the name?"
"Y/n, Y/n L/n, you made my appointment last time I was here a few months ago-."

She cut you off and said, "Oh, I know you. I'm surprised you showed back up; usually, that little lie works, but I guess you're naive." She had a sadistic smirk on her face

"Why, you little bitc-"
"Calm down, Sora," you held your friend back from ripping the receptionist to shreds.
"Please, ma'am, this is very urgent, and it's a personal matter." You tried to explain

"Well, if it's so personal," she air quoted, "Then why don't you just call Hawks yourself." She crossed her hands

"That's the thing I do not have his number and-"

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