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When she got up that morning, Sophie had no idea the change that was about to happen.  No idea the impact she would make and certainly no idea that she would become the focus of one man's glorious purpose.

Comicon was a favourite, sometimes in the spring, sometimes in the autumn but always fun.  Sophie was a dyed in the wool, cut-her-through-the-middle-and-see Marvel fan.  Moreover, she was a loyal Hiddlestoner.   Marvel, Shakespeare, Spy dramas, Gothic horror were all food for her fevered fangirl imagination.  But Shakespeare, now that in a word was the nub of it.  When she'd first read it age 11 she'd fallen in love with it. It was considered geeky, nerdy and old fashioned by her peers, but she'd kept with it. Never betraying it and always, always coming back to it whenever she could.

Later, she'd discovered an equally great love for Marvel.  In some ways, the dynamics of the characters were not dissimilar.  In other ways they couldn't be more different. Marvel was cool, Shakespeare was not.

Well, until a certain Thomas William Hiddleston decided to cross the great divide and not only play Loki, God of Mischief and object of many a Hiddlestoner's fantasy, but also King Henry the Fifth, Warrior King and victor at Agincourt.  From that moment on, it became cool to be a fan of The Bard.   Now, the culmination of all her wishes had come true.  Comicon was hosting Tom.  Actual Tom.  And she?  She had an autograph session booked, a chance for a brief chat.  Life, it seemed could not be any sweeter.

She had no clue what was about to happen.  

Walking through to the hall, she clutched her book carefully.  It was a well worn copy of a play.  Not a screenplay, no, an actual play.  Coriolanus by William Shakespeare.  Another link to her favourite human being.  To her unending disappointment, she'd not been able to get tickets to see the production he'd starred in.  It had been just too far away and too expensive at the time.  She made so with online streaming and of course, the copy she now clutched.

Standing in the queue for the autograph, she looked around. Posters, figures in boxes, DVD cases, even the odd t-shirt were being proffered for the hallowed signature.  No-one, as far as she could tell had brought anything as serious as her little item.  She half contemplated swapping it out for one of the publicity shots they provided as a standby. Only half.  By the time it was her turn, she was feeling much braver.

Handing it over, Tom looked up and smiled at her.  In an instant the world around her melted away.  No-one existed bar the two of them.  She felt her legs turn to jelly and she hung onto the desk to steady herself, trying to be cool and not at all the hot mess she was turning into.

Tom was well into his stride by the time the girl with the book walked into his life.  He'd been signing for almost an hour.  A word or two here and there, a smile and a gentle prod to get some of the more shy fans to relax and speak to him.  He loved these events, a chance to give something back.  Usually it was a mix of stuff and he always took bets with himself on what would be the most unusual thing he would have to sign.  So far nothing to compare to the arm he'd signed - and subsequently been turned into a tattoo - in Germany, but he waited.

As she walked round the screen, he looked up and smiled.  She seemed relaxed, that was good.  Maybe they'd manage a chat.  He half stood and smiled,

"Hi - so good of you to come.  Would you like me to sign your ..." he held out his hand and she nodded, passing him a book.  He glanced down briefly then did a double take. "Oh!" he said quietly "I wasn't expecting that!" he looked up at where she stood, gripping the table in front of him.  Her eyes, good grief they seemed to bore into his soul, they were so beautiful.  

She giggled and he thought it sounded the sweetest thing he'd heard all day. "I know, " she shrugged "Who brings Shakespeare to a comicon eh?"  she blushed prettily and he was instantly caught in her web.  

"You by the looks of it!  Like it?" he asked, putting it down and not signing it at first.

"Yes, I love it.  It's such a reflection of our take on celebrity and hubris don't you think?" she put her head to one side, seeming to relax as she let go the desk.  "Oh and I'd like to thank you too Tom" she said with a smile that caught in his throat. "Thanks for making Shakespeare cool again! I've been preaching to anyone who would listen for years and up till now?  Noone took any notice.  I feel vindicated at long last, so thank you." 

"It's been my honour to play these parts and to know someone enjoys them as much as you obviously do is the icing on the cake as it were.... Sophie" he looked down at the sticker with her name on it she'd provided. He signed the front page and blew gently on the ink so it would dry before he closed the cover.

Her stomach did somersaults the second she watched his lips purse to blow, how would they feel she wondered?  How would they taste?  She flushed at her own imagination, right in front of him, really Sophie?  Almost at the same time, they reached out, her to take the book, him to hand it over. Their fingers touched and she almost dropped with shock. 

Holding her gaze, he said quietly "It's been lovely to meet you Sophie, it's such a pity these things are necessarily brief, you know, lots of flesh to press as it were" he raised his eyebrows regretfully. "Are - are you having a photo session by any chance?" 

"Sadly not" she could hardly breathe "That will be another chance for you to press some flesh I guess. " in her mind it sounded funny and charming and cool.  In reality it just sounded creepy.  Tom paused for a minute then they both burst out laughing.  "I'm so sorry Tom, that was just wrong." she smiled, drinking in the last few seconds of his company then left him standing looking after her.  

"Sometimes things are just so wrong, they're right aren't they?" he called after her. As she disappeared round the corner and out the doorway, he had a sudden urge to go after her.  To find out more, to see if... if her mouth tasted as good as it looked.  He felt shallow and lecherous and really really attracted to by her.  This was madness, pure madness but he had to do it.  He had to.

Without thinking any further, he mumbled to a member of staff he needed a quick comfort break and flew out the door.  Looking both ways along the corridor, he saw her. She was standing leaning against the wall, looking at her book.  Her head down, she was lost in thought, running her fingers over his signature and didn't hear his approach.

Reaching out, he gently grasped her hand.  She turned and her eyes widened with shock and - yes - with something else. 

"You're here." 

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