Near Misses...

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"So what are you going to do about it?" Jane and Sophie were sitting side by side in the gym, pedalling away but going, as per usual, nowhere. 


"What do you mean NOTHING?" she asked turning to look at Sophie with an expression ranging from total disbelief to 'I might have known'. "You have to do SOMETHING to find him again." 

"I can't Jane, I just... well I can't can I?" Sophie stopped pedaling and got off the bike and walked away.  Sitting at one of the resistance machines she started to lift some weights, pretending to be absolutely focussed.  Truth was, even now, two weeks later she was completely unfocussed on much except that blooming kiss.  What had she been playing at? Jane followed her and stood, blocking the light.

"Look at me..." she said quietly "Sophie, I know you well enough to know when you're hiding in plain sight." she stood hands on hips and grabbed the bar, stopping Sophie mid-pull. 

"Hey!" Sophie looked up and scowled "I was enjoying that!" she lied.

"Yeah and I'm getting picked up by Chris Hemsworth in half an hour." she smiled and Sophie relented, replacing the bar and standing up. Jane nodded "Ok that's better, now I have your undivided attention, what ARE you going to do?" 

They walked away to the cool-down area and sat on a couple of mats, stretching out.  "I dunno, I really don't.  Part of me wants to stalk every square inch of London until I find him, but the other - sane - part of me says just to wait.  I did tell him to find me" she shrugged and Jane snorted her derision.

"As if THAT'S going to happen!  And do you know why I know that?  Not because he's a cad and a bounder and uses women like tissues - one blow and they're done - that's not his style at all.  No, I know he won't find you because HE DOESNT BLOODY KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU!"  She enunciated the words carefully as if talking to someone who was an Infinity Stone short of a Gauntlet.

"Fair point, well made." Sophie stood, getting ready to leave "so what do YOU suggest then oh wise and mighty oracle?" She held out a hand and helped Jane up.

"Do exactly what you said.  Stalk him" she shrugged and threw her towel over her shoulder, heading for the showers. "Stalk him till you find him."

Sophie stood, mouth open in shock "I can't do THAT!" she almost shouted then remembered where they were, "I can't stalk the man, I'll get arrested and I sincerely doubt that's a good basis for a relationship now is it?  Visiting me in Holloway?" 

"Ok, so maybe not stalk him" Jane continued the conversation on the way home in Sophie's car. "But you could go to London for a little visit - no, let me rephrase that - WE could go to London for a little visit. Just have a nice relaxed time, visit some nice areas. " she tried to sound innocent but it didn't wash and they started to giggle.

"So you mean if I just 'happened' to be in the right place at the right time?" Sophie laughed as she pulled up outside Jane's house.

"EXACTLY! Now you're getting the idea.  Look, just think about it.  In all honesty, I could do with a weekend away.  Things have been a bit, well, strained between me and Peter recently.  Do us both good to get a bit of space.  Think about it Soph, a girls' long weekend.  We could go to a show - maybe some.....Shakespeare?" she grinned and nudged her.  "Think about it.  Tell me tomorrow ok?  Night Lovely" she hugged Sophie and got out of the car.  Before she closed the door, she bent down and said "What's the worst that could happen?  We have a fun time and you don't see him.  Nothing to lose and everything including him to gain.  See you in the morning."

With that, she closed the door and waved as Sophie drove off.  It wasn't a terrible idea, it wasn't a great idea either.  She continued to mull it over for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Jane was sitting at Sophie's desk, two cappuccinos ready and waiting.  She smiled and stood up as Sophie approached.

"So?" Jane handed her a cup "when do we leave?" She perched on Sophie's desk and smiled as she sipped her coffee.

"Well, put it this way, I hope you weren't expecting to be home this birthday?" Sophie grinned and took a big swallow of her drink.  "It's all booked.  Flights, hotel, show, my treat!"

"That's nuts! You can't possibly pay for all that! Please, let me contribute.." Jane was astounded. Sophie, however, shook her head.

"Nope, this is on me. It's your birthday next month and that's not such a long time away so what better excuse?" She looked triumphantly at her friend. "And the best bit?"

Jane's turn to shake her head, "what?"

"They're doing Henry the Fifth at the Donmar. Kit Harrington. I get London,  You, Shakespeare and the outside chance of a reunion. The least I can do is treat my best friend in the process." She stood and hugged her then walked away to get rid of her cup. Jane just smiled and went to sit at her own desk.

Generosity like that, she thought, deserved a reward. If she had anything to say about it, Sophie would get the reward of her life.

Four weeks later they walked down the plane steps and into the terminal. Jane and Sophie exchanged excited glances. "Well, we're here!" Sophie said excitedly, grabbing Jane's arm. "This is going to be amazing. I can just feel it. I just know I'm going to see him."

Making their way towards the underground station, they were engrossed in their conversation. Chatting and laughing, they mingled with the Friday night travellers. The airport was crowded with families, businessmen, cabin crew and the usual cross section of humanity that made up the crowds they battled their way through.

As they walked onto the station platform, another train arrived and its passengers poured out on their way to somewhere more exotic. It was at that moment that Jane realised she'd dropped her ticket somewhere. She darted back and Sophie turned to watch so she didn't lose her in the crowd.

As she did so, she was bumped into by a man in a rush to catch his plane. He was running late, as usual these days, and barged past her with a very hurried but politely apologetic "sorry darling" and hurried on.

Sophie was completely oblivious. Turning, all she saw was his back as he pressed onwards.  Jane arrived back with her ticket and they boarded the next train. Settling in, she glanced out the window. There seemed to be some sort of commotion on the platform, probably some celebrity or other. As they were whisked into the city she thought no more about it. She was concentrating on wondering just exactly when she would ever see Tom again.

Tom was too busy to wonder anything similar. He'd had a pig of a day, running late for meetings and now? Almost missing his flight. To make matters worse, not only had he almost taken a poor woman out on the platform as he'd dashed off the Tube, but he was now surrounded on the platform by fans, all wanting a photo.....

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