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It had been a long time, too long. In fact, it all seemed like a lifetime ago. A lifetime that lasted 6 months, 25 days, 6 hours and 22 minutes to be exact. Sophie had counted each and every one, feeling the distance between them grow and grow, the depths of her sorrow matching it.

Tom had been charming and funny and as always, the perfect gentleman. They had spoken, more than she ever dared hope for. After his first phone call, they'd spoken every day for the next week. Growing closer, sharing their days, avoiding the spectre hurtling towards them.

Tom had face-timed her the next day as he'd promised to.  At first, he'd been funny and charming and it was obvious they were still incredibly attracted to each other.  As the call went on, Tom started to get quieter and more serious.

"What is it Tom? Is - is there something you need to tell me?" Sophie steeled herself for the news she was dreading more than anything.  That he was involved with someone, that this couldn't go anywhere. That he was sorry but....

His voice cut into her thoughts. " Darling, there's something I have to tell you.  I'm so sorry, this is the worst timing ever but I promise we can work it out...."

And with those words, Tom disappeared out of her life as quickly as he'd come into it. But when he went, he took something with him. Sophie's heart.

They tried to keep in touch, but as Tom got busier he called less and less. Sophie didn't want to become 'that girl' and be a pest. Be an embarrassment to him.

Jane tried to talk some sense into her, she even tried to get her to go to New York to see him, Sophie was having none of it.

"He's gone Jane, he's not coming back.  I don't have to like it but I have to accept it." she smiled thinly as she looked at her friend "yes, I admit it, I fell in love with a fantasy. But a very real fantasy, but one I should have known would never come true. " she looked at Jane for a moment then her composure failed and her face crumpled.

"But I still love him Jane, I really really do. And I really thought.." she started to sob.  Jane walked over and wrapped her arms around her.

"I know Lovely, I know. It was all supposed to go so well. You were supposed to meet, fall in love, get married and have babies, the whole nine yards." Jane wiped Sophie's tears, much in the same way she did all those years ago in school.

"It's not fair Jane, it's just not bloody fair."

Tom sat in his dressing room, looking out the small window at the rain.  It seemed to have been a very wet few months.

New York.  The Big Apple.  The City that Never Sleeps.

Neither, it seemed, did he. At first, exhausted by the long rehearsals and all the tasks associated with opening a production, he'd fallen into bed each night barely able to function.  As time wore on though, and things settled down, he began to spend more time awake than asleep.  Lots more time.

He'd called Sophie a few times, really tried to make time for her.  She'd been lovely and understanding of his hectic schedule but eventually missing calling for a day turned into two, turned into a week, turned into a month. He felt so bad but he'd been so busy, something had to give.

By the time he had the opportunity to call her, he thought it was too late. She hadn't called him and Tom, in his usual style, took that to mean he'd disappointed her. That she was angry he'd left and he didn't blame her. Heck, he was angry at himself.

All he could do was hope that one day, somewhere they would meet again and he could explain.  He would never give up that hope.

Who knew, maybe in time he might grow a pair and try to phone her again. The play's run was almost over, he'd been in the States for over 6 months. He was desperate to get back.

To London, to some decent tea, to walks in the park that didn't involve an entourage of security and, he prayed, to Sophie.

Sophie sipped her morning cuppa and scrolled through the news on her phone. It was all very depressing. She clicked onto the tab for entertainment and films.  There, as the page loaded, she saw a face that made her breath catch in her throat. Instantly, her eyes filled with tears and she rushed from her desk to the bathroom.

As she sat in a locked cubicle, she heard the door open and a voice called out "you in here Soph?"  Jane had seen her rush to the bathroom and wanted to make sure she was ok.

"Yeah" she sighed, stood up and unlocked the door. Swinging it open, she held her phone up so Jane could see the screen. Her friend took one look and pulled her into a hug.

"He's back Jane" Sophie's muffled sniffs came from inside it.

"So I see, so I see." Jane pulled back "so what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing?" Sophie ventured and was immediately set upon by Jane.

"You certainly are NOT! You're getting out there and you're tracking him down. I mean it Soph, even if I have to physically drag you there, I'm getting you to London." She smiled and Sophie shrugged.

"London's a big place" was all she said.

"Yes" Jane agreed "but we know where to start don't we?" She looked almost as smug as the day she'd spoken to Bobby's walker.

"And THIS time you're going alone and Im paying." Jane held up a hand "I am NOT accepting any answer other than 'yes Jane' ok?" She laughed "it's money well spent if it picks your chin and heart off the floor. " she nudged Sophie in the ribs "you can thank me by naming your first child after me ok?" She winked and Sophie laughed.

"Better hope it's not a boy then eh?"

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