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Sophie felt her heart tear in two as her head dropped.  Overwhelmed by a fresh wave of grief, her head dropped. To have loved and lost is better than never to have loved at all? What utter rubbish she thought.

She sighed and composed herself, trying not to think about how she would finally deal with this. To have him there and snatched away, again, unbearable pain pierced her. Made her screw her eyes up trying to wish away the tears that threaten to shame her in public.

Then, almost so quietly she thought she was dreaming, she heard it. That beautiful, warm, velvet voice.

"I'm here"

In her ear, to her left. She didn't need to see who spoke, she knew. Without any doubt or fear, she knew. Tom.

Almost snapping her neck with the speed at which she turned, elated but wanting to keep him all to herself for just a little longer. She said nothing, only looking at him, the tears unshed but sparkling.

Where to begin? So much to say, but not enough words to speak. Tom laid a hand on her arm and she looked at it, his long fingers resting gently.

Sophie longed to touch them but was afraid. Afraid to break the spell.

When she'd said yes, Tom could have grabbed her there and then. Kissed her and held her and shown her how desperately sorry he was for the last few months of trauma he'd put her through.

But he couldn't. Not really, not in a Tube carriage on the Picadilly line in London rush hour.  He was just pondering what to do when another pack of commuters and shoppers and the inevitable tourists piled off and on.  Like some ritualistic dance.  Noone speaking, everyone moving. He saw his chance and took it.

A seat had become free next to her. Taking advantage of long legs for once, he slithered from one side of the carriage to the other in the crush.  He didn't even realise she hadn't noticed till she looked across and he saw her eyes fill with tears when she thought her was gone.

"I'm here" he whispered to her and she snapped her head around, an incredulous smile on her beautiful face.  God he wanted to kiss her so much.

All Sophie could do was smile, and a faint "yes, you are" left her lips, dazed she realised they were running out of time. Again. The carriage announced it's arrival at her stop.

As they sat, people began to notice him in the thinning numbers. Began to whisper and nudge. One or two snuck out their phones. She was causing a scene just sitting next to him.

Stay? Go? What was she to do?
She couldn't believe fate has done this again. Tom looked at her, his eyes now pleading not to go. 

"I'm sorry" she whispered as she stood "Not here...I...can't" what the HELL was she doing? Cold feet? Now? No, an instinct to protect Tom.

She moved to the door, waiting, wishing she could have more time. Tom nodded and to her surprise, actually winked at her, and once more she melted. This time the tears really did spill and she was totally ashamed.

The carriage emptied and she was swept away in the sea of people who did not know and did not care. That he was finally here and she was dying of regret.

Overcome and unable to stand any longer, she found a seat on the platform to compose herself. She had to find the strength from somewhere so she could continue.

But she had none. The sadness overwhelmed her and she cried silently into her hands, others looking at her as if she were mad. Was she? Did she imagine all this? The platform cleared and silence returned for those brief moments between moments. Eventually, she swallowed her grief and stood. The station quiet, the train gone, Sophie didn't see anyone now. Especially not Tom.

But he was there.  Standing, waiting, looking at her. Smiling without any need to hide at the end of the empty platform.

"Darling" the voice echoed in the quiet and she looked up from the depths of her misery. 

She leapt up, pulling her dampened scarf away from her face, there. Right in front of her. Large as life and twice as handsome. Tom.

He opened his arms and she ran to him, not caring if anyone saw them.  Her world spun as he grabbed her and engulfed her in his embrace. All she was aware of was his voice, his blue woolen coat, the smell of wool and citrus and spice mixed with relief.

"Oh my darling girl" the words reverberated in his chest and out to her. "I did it.  I found you. At last"

He took her hand and led her up and out of the station, "Let's go eat. We have so much to say. So much to plan." His eyes sparkled and she nodded, smiling. She looked so beautiful, just like she had that very first day.

"Ok" Sophie heard herself say. What could he possibly mean 'plan'? How could this longed for reunion possibly get any better?

She was about to find out.

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