Dirty Little Secrets

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"Good morning Morris." Hannah says with a smile, handing him his favorite donut and coffee. "Hannah, who are you in to see today?" "I'm in to see the President, we have a meeting its very important." She responds with a smile, he smiles back "Alright, you're good to go. Have a good day Hannah." "You too Morris!" She smiles and with that she heads to the white house. "The President will see you now." The secretary politely says with a small smile. With a nod from Hannah she walks into the oval office with an air of confidence. "Hannah." Fitz greets, "Mr. President." Hannah replies. "And what did i do to be graced with your presence?"

She walks closer to where he is sitting at his desk, just looking at him. "I find it very strange that i wasn't also brought in to help deal with the Amanda Tanner situation. Now i don't know all of the details but i'm also going to look into it, Liv thinks she is telling the truth, did you know that? Me? Im shocked. Because the Fitz i know would never sleep with some random white house intern. So i want you to tell me the truth. I want you to look me in my eye and tell me the truth, tell me all the details. Tell me what you want done. Then we can see what can be done. Does that work for you Mr.President?" She gently sits down her purse sitting down on the couch gesturing across from her to the other couch.

Fitz stands up from his desk and walks around it to get to the couch. "I didn't know you were being left out of it." He says simply. She gives him a look at that, "Well I was." They stare at each other for a second before he starts talking, "I haven't seen you in what? Three months and you come here and don't even ask me how i've been nothing just straight business." A frown makes an appearance on both of there faces at that. "Fitz," she sighs,"How are you doing? How are the kids and Mellie?" He smiles a little bit at that," The kids are doing good, they're having a little bit of trouble getting used to the extra security and just having a dad as president but they seem fine. Mellies good too, i think she was born to be in this white house. She glows here." She smiles at hearing that, "I miss them all. I hope you're treating them good Fitz, i am not afraid to give the president an ass whoopin if he needs it." They share a laugh at that.

"Okay, we caught up-" "No no, you haven't even told me if you're still seeing mystery man!" He insists with a laugh causing Hannah to groan "Fitz!" Fitz laughs at that, "Okay okay i'm sorry i'll stop distracting, I did not sleep with her. I just want the accusations to stop. It doesn't look good on me at all, makes me look like a creepy old man. I just want her to stop saying that we did." She sighs deeply looking at his eyes and his body language, he's relaxed but his eyes are squinted a little, he's running his finger across the glass he's drinking from, he's definitely lying. "Fitz." She sighs again.

"Fitz, I really want to believe you. But my gut is saying you're lying. Now it might have been a one time thing but you are still lying and you still had an affair. So this is goodbye. Tell Mellie and the kids i miss them please. Be good Mr. President." With that she stands up and walks straight out of the office and straight out of the white house.

In his car hes holding up the camera taking pictures of her as she walks out of the hite house pass the guards, all the way until she gets in her car.

Hannah is sitting in Olivias office with their new client, all are quietly watching the news, when the client speaks up, "You girls did a wonderful job with the President," she pauses for a moment looking over the girls, "getting him elected i mean." Olivia looks over at that "The American people did that." The older lady sighs shaking her head "Oh honey, I followed that election, he was a diamond in the rough before you two young ladies started working your magic on him and that campaign. You girls were responsible for the photo op with the kid with cancer, where he played whatever instrument it was." She says with a wave of her hand. Olivia speaks back up "The guitar." The older woman continues "You both made him, so it really makes a girl wonder why either of you would leave the White House? Nobody leaves a job in that place without having a good reason."

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